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    Title: 衛星新聞台駐地記者勞動過程研究─控制與回應
    Investigating local correspondents` labour process:A Case study of Taiwan`s satellite news channels
    Authors: 高政義
    Contributors: 馮建三
    Keywords: 衛星新聞台
    satellite news channel
    local correspondent
    labour process
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:28:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 【摘要】

    另外,這群駐地記者聯合起來,也發展出了包括限制產出、協調合作等趕工遊戲(the game of making out),伴隨這些趕工遊戲產生的場域文化,最後以一種難以被察覺的間接性破壞,慢慢的對新聞工作造成傷害。本研究即是探索勞動過程中,媒體組織的新聞產製結構對於駐地記者的控制,及其回應方式,所形成的場域文化,對駐地記者的主體重塑,以及對新聞工作的影響,進行相關理論概念的回顧整理,與現實面的質性探索。
    Local correspondents of Taiwan`s satellite news channels constitute a unique category of their own. Except for Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, the metropolitan areas, local correspondents, responsible for covering news stories for their respective counties, work as cameramen and reporters at the same time.
    Due to time and space constraints, they devise a strategy to fulfill designated jobs and overcome the challenges. They nonetheless are both exploited by overtime working practices and feel vulnerable to organizational demands. As its consequence, they formulate a casual but reliable network to scratch one another`s back.
    In addition, they develop a game of making-out, including a reduction of outputs…etc... The daily-working practice of local correspondents is such that its culture chips away spaces for developing a professional news production ethics
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