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    Title: 音樂經驗本質之教育學觀點-技術與實踐智關係之詮釋性研究
    The educational aspect of the nature of musical experience: A hermeneutic analysis of techne and phronesis
    Authors: 葉文傑
    YEH, Wen-chieh
    Contributors: 馮朝霖

    YEH, Wen-chieh
    Keywords: 音樂經驗
    musical experience
    philosophy of music education
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:14:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討音樂經驗的教育實踐意涵,採取理論分析的方法,探究音樂教育哲學典範的衝突根源,在技術與實踐智的關係詮釋中,闡述音樂經驗的教育實踐本質。
    The purpose of this study was to explore the significance of educational practice in the nature of musical experience. The theoretical analysis was applied to inquire the cause of the conflicts among the different philosophical paradigms of music education and the hermeneutic analysis of techne and phronêsis was used to explain the educational essence of musical experience.
    Based on the context of the essential theory of musical experience, there were two ways in the ancient Greece: the musical ethics and the aesthetics of music. The musical ethics emphasized the metaphysical speculation about harmony, purification, and cultivation; while the aesthetics of music developed the science of experience on the aim of pleasure. In the modern history, the psychology and the phenomenology were the main research approaches of musical experience. The former explained the music perception; the latter described the nature of musical experience. Regarding the essential standpoint of musical knowledge, the trend of the philosophical paradigm of music education (utilitarian, aesthetic and praxis) developed in North America was a value paradigm that was from technique to practice, singular aspect to multiple aspect, and steady situation to unsteady situation.
    In conclusion, from the standpoint of educational practice, the technical way reified the relationship of the means and the purposes, and the practical way (self-knowledge) was a way of two-in-one; the former developed the scientific methods of musical cognition, the latter developed the possibility of musical meaning. Certainly, the value of techne was not denied, but more concerned the meaning’ possibility of musical experience, that was to say, music as an educational practice of self-cultivation in the aesthetic non-differentiation, the paradigm of phronêsis and the nature of techne were eventually the same one in the significance of educational practice, and the ethics and the aesthetics were two-in-one in the musical experience.
    Reference: 參考文獻
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