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Title: | 幼兒的依附關係、語文智能及人際智能與心智理論能力之關係 |
Authors: | 劉佳閔 |
Contributors: | 葉玉珠 劉佳閔 |
Keywords: | 幼兒 心智理論 依附 語文智能 人際智能 preschoolers attachment styles verbal intelligence interpersonal intelligence theory of mind |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:13:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要
本研究旨在探討幼兒的依附關係、語文智能及人際智能與心智理論能力之關係,以及人口變項(性別、年齡與社經地位)與心智理論能力之關係。研究參與者來自台北縣市公私立幼稚園四至六歲之幼兒,共124位。本研究所採用之研究工具分為三部份,分別為:「幼兒心智理論能力測驗」、「幼兒依附關係量表」、「幼兒多元智能檢核表」-語文智能分量表、人際智能分量表。調查所得資料分別以描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、典型相關、區別分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究的主要發現如下: 1.男、女生之間在語文智能、人際智能上有顯著的差異存在,而在依附關係方面則沒有差異;女生在語文智能、人際智能上均優於男生。 2.人口變項方面,不同性別、中高社經地位的幼兒在心智理論能力上沒有差異存在;不同年齡的幼兒在心智理論能力上有顯著的差異存在;以六歲組高於五歲組、四歲組,四歲組為最低。年齡愈高者,其心智理論能力的表現愈好。 3.幼兒的心智理論能力表現不因其所屬依附類型不同而產生差異,且不同程度的安全型依附、矛盾型依附及逃避混亂型依附之幼兒,在心智理論能力上亦沒有差異。 4.不同語文智能的幼兒,其心智理論能力有差異;語文智能愈高,其心智理論能力的表現愈好。 5.不同人際智能的幼兒,其心智理論能力有差異存在。人際智能愈高,其心智理論能力的表現愈好。 6.幼兒的安全依附、語文智能及人際智能與其心智理論能力之各測試作業有正相關,且語文智能與錯誤信念作業的關係最為密切。 7.幼兒的安全依附、語文智能及人際智能有效聯合預測心智理論能力的組別。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議,以供親職教育、教育輔導、教學及後續研究之參考。 Abstract
The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between preschoolers’ attachment styles, verbal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, demographic variables, and their theory of mind. The participants included 124 4- to 6-year-old children from kindergartens in Taipei city. The employed instruments in this study were The Tasks of Preschoolers’ Theory of Mind, The Inventory of Preschoolers’ Attachment Styles, and two subscales from The Inventory of Multiple Intelligences--verbal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence. The applied analysis methods included descriptives, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation, and discriminant analysis. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. While the girls outperformed the boys in both the verbal and the interpersonal intelligences, no significant gender differences on attachment styles were found. 2. There were no significant gender differences or SES differences on the preschoolers’ theory of mind. However, there were significant age differences on the preschoolers’ theory of mind; more specifically, the 6-year-old children outperformed the 5-year-old and the 4-year-old children on the tasks of theory of mind. 3. The preschoolers’ performances on the tasks of theory of mind did not vary as their attachment styles were different. 4. Verbal intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence had significant effects on the preschoolers’ theory of mind. In other words, the better verbal intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence the children had, the higher level their theory of mind were. 5. The preschoolers’ secure attachment style, verbal intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence were positively related to their theory of mind, and their verbal intelligence had the strongest relation to their theory of mind. 6. The preschoolers’ secure attachment style, verbal intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence could jointly predict their theory of mind. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies. |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0921520351 |
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