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    Title: 高中生親子三角關係、手足關係與情緒適應之相關研究
    Authors: 柴蘭芬
    Contributors: 修慧蘭
    Keywords: 親子三角關係
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:12:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討高中生親子三角關係、手足關係與情緒適應之關聯。採用問卷調查法的方式,以台中地區上補習班之高中學生為取樣範圍,取得有效問卷共224份,並以「基本資料調查表」、「親子三角關係量表」、「手足關係量表」及「情緒適應量表」作為研究工具。調查所得結果以描述統計、二因子多變量共變數分析、三因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行研究分析。本研究主要發現如下:
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among parent-child triangulation, sibling relationships and senior high school students’ emotional adjustment. The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. Senior high school students studying in the cram school in Taichung were targeted as the population. 224 effective questionnaires were analyzed as research data. Instruments used in this study were “Basic Information Inventory”, “Parent-Child Triangulation Scale”, “Sibling Relationship Questionnaire” and “Emotional Adjustment Scale”. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, two-way ANCOVA, three-way MANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, canonical correlation and multiple stepwise regressions.
    The main findings of this study were as follows :
    1.Senior high school students with different gender and birth order made no significant differences to the parent-child triangulation, and there were no statistically significant interaction effects between senior high school students’ gender and birth order on parent-child triangulation.
    2.Senior high school students with different gender, birth order and sibling’s birth order made significant differences to sibling relationship. To the senior high school girls, there were significant differences in the degree of closeness and relative status in sibling relationships. Senior high school girls felt apparently more closeness in sibling relationships to their sisters than brothers, and they also felt they have higher status in sibling relationships to their sisters than brothers.
    3.There were significant product-moment correlations and canonical correlations in senior high school students’ parent-child triangulation and sibling relationship.
    4.There were significant product-moment correlations and canonical correlations in senior high school students’ parent-child triangulation, sibling relationship and emotional adjustment. To those senior high school boys, and senior high school students whose birth order were the first or the second, there were significant canonical correlations in parent-child triangulation, sibling relationship and emotional adjustment.
    5.The senior high school students’ gender, parent-child triangulation and sibling relationship could significant predict emotional adjustment.
    According to the results of this study, the researcher would like to make some suggestions to parenting education, gender education, emotional education, counseling services and future research.
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