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    Title: 臺灣地區中小學公辦民營之研究:理論、政策與實施
    The Study on Privatization of Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taiwan: Theory, Policy, and Implementation
    Authors: 賴志峰
    Contributors: 秦夢群

    Tang, Chih-Min

    Keywords: 學校公辦民營
    school privatization
    privatized school
    educational policy
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:09:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的在於:(1)探究和釐清學校公辦民營的理論,包含定義、範疇、相關概念和模式等,以建構學校公辦民營清晰的理論內涵和架構;(2)探討和分析學校公辦民營政策制定目的、立法意旨、學校屬性定位和評鑑等要素,以提出教育政策的改進建議,提升教育決策的品質;(3)探析學校公辦民營學校使用模式、現況、辦學特色、面臨困難、未來發展,以及教師和家長對於公辦民營、學校滿意度、學生就讀學校動機之看法,並提出學校公辦民營實施條例的重點和政策發展方向之建議。
    本研究採文件分析法、訪談和問卷調查法等三種方法,針對學校公辦民營的理論、政策與實施三種向度進行探究,本研究所運用之文件分析法,係基於批判性回顧的精神,將中小學公辦民營相關研究的政策主張,包含26篇公辦民營博碩士論文及學者研究論文之政策主張,進行文件分析;本研究之訪談人數共17位,對象包含:(1)臺北縣烏來鄉信賢種籽親子實驗國民小學、宜蘭縣人文國民小學、宜蘭縣慈心華德福教育實驗國民中小學等三所公辦民營學校之校長、教師、家長及籌備中的公辦民營學校相關人員;(2)學者專家;(3)宜蘭縣政府和臺北縣政府之教育行政人員。此外,問卷調查則以自編之「臺灣地區中小學公辦民營政策與實施之研究調查問卷」,針對3所公辦民營學校之教師和家長進行全面性問卷調查,家長484人,問卷回收200份,回收率為41.32%;三所學校教師人數合計41人,扣除有子女在服務學校就讀之教師10人,教師人數為31人,問卷回收9份,回收率為29.03%。問卷結果採用描述統計、變異數分析(ANOVA)、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)和薛費法(Scheffĕ method)事後比較等統計方法進行分析。
    The purposes of the research are as follows: (1)clarifying the theory of school privatization, including the definition, scope, concepts and models, in order to establish concretely a theoretical framework; (2)analyzing the purpose of the policy and the law regarding school privatization, the school orientation towards being public or private, and the evaluation of schools, in order to make suggestions for policy modification and enhance the quality of policy-making; (3) exploring the models, current conditions, distinctive characteristics, problems, and development of school privatization, as well as understanding parents and teachers’ opinions about school privatization, the degree of their satisfaction with schools, and their viewpoint about students’ enrollment motivation, in order to show the key points of the Commissioning the Operation of the Public Elementary and Secondary Schools to Private Sector Act, and to provide suggestions for the formulation of the policy.
    The research, by adopting methods of documentary analysis, interview, and questionnaire survey, probes into the three dimensions of theory, policy, and implementation of school privatization. The research reviews and analyzes 26 theses and related literature. In addition, interviews were done with 17 pertinent persons, including (1)principles, teachers, and parents of the three privatized schools-- the Seedling Elementary School, the Jen-Wen Elementary School, and the Waldorf Junior High and Elementary School, and also staffs of schools preparing for privatization, (2)experts, and (3)administrative officials of Yilan and Taipei County government. Moreover, a questionnaire survey was conducted with a self-designed “Questionnaire on Policy and Implementation of School Privatization in Taiwan” among teachers and parents of the three schools mentioned above. 200 parents of the total 484 parents responded the questionnaire, for a response rate of 41.32%. Of the total 41 teachers, 10 teachers with their children studying in these three schools were excluded from the survey. Of the 31 teachers given the questionnaire, 9 responded, for a response rate of 29.03%. The result of the questionnaire survey is concluded through a series of statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, ANOVA, MANOVA, and Scheffĕ method. Finally, this research draws conclusions and proposes suggestions according to the result of documentary analysis, interviews, and the questionnaire survey.

    Keywords: school privatization, privatized school, educational policy
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0911525041
    Data Type: thesis
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