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    Title: 加護病房護理人員之非理性信念、情緒特質與情緒管理對人際關係影響路徑之建構
    A Path Model Construction of ICU Nurses’ Irrational Beliefs, Emotional Traits, Emotional Management, and Their Interpersonal Relationship
    Authors: 陳世芬
    Shih-Fen Chen
    Contributors: 葉玉珠
    Shih-Fen Chen
    Keywords: 加護病房護理人員
    ICU nurses
    irrational beliefs
    emotional traits
    emotional management
    interpersonal relationship
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:06:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究目的在於建構加護病房護理人員之非理性信念、情緒特質及情緒管理對人際關係之影響路徑模式。本研究採問卷調查法,參與者為200位加護病房護理人員,研究工具則包含非理性信念、情緒特質、情緒管理與人際關係等四份量表。研究中以驗證性因素分析、描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及結構方程模式分析資料,主要的研究結果如下:
    The purpose of this study was to propose and examine a path model of irrational beliefs, emotional traits, emotional management, and interpersonal relationship among nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU). Two hundred ICU nurses in Taiwan participated in this study. The employed instruments included the Inventory of Irrational Beliefs, the Inventory of Emotional Traits, the Inventory of Emotional Management, and the Inventory of Interpersonal Relationship. Moreover, the used data analysis methods were Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), One-way Multivariate Analysis of variance (MANOVA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The main findings of this study were as follows:
    1. Participants with an educational degree under college had a stronger “sense of hope” than those with an educational degree of graduate schools. Those with long period of working experiences in hospitals showed more proactive caring behaviors than their counterparts. Moreover, those who had taken emotional-management or stress-coping courses had more positive emotional traits than their counterparts. Finally, those who had never taken stress-coping courses had a stronger sense of inferiority complex than their counterparts.
    2. Participants who had a stronger irrational belief experienced more negative- emotion arousal than their counterparts. However, the interaction of irrational beliefs and emotional traits could weaken the effects of irrational beliefs on negative-emotion arousal. On the other hand, the participants’ irrational beliefs did not have effects on their employment of proactive response strategies.
    3. While the ICU nurses’ positive emotional traits did not have effects on their negative-emotion arousal, such traits had positive effects on their employment of proactive response strategies.
    4. While the nurses’ negative emotional traits had positive effects on their negative- emotion arousal, such traits had negative effects on their employment of proactive response strategies.
    5. The nurses’ irrational beliefs did not have effects on their interpersonal relationship.
    6. The nurses’ positive emotional traits had positive effects on their interpersonal relationship.
    7. The nurses’ negative emotional traits had negative effects on their interpersonal relationship, and such effects were brought about via negative-emotion arousal or the employment of proactive response strategies.
    8. The nurses’ negative-emotion arousal did not have effects on their interpersonal relationship; however, when influenced by positive emotional traits, the negative-emotion arousal had positive effects on interpersonal relationship.
    9. The nurses’ employment of proactive response strategies had positive effects on their interpersonal relationship.
    10. The results of Modified Model 1 and Model 2 indicated that the nurses’ irrational beliefs did not have direct effects on their employment of proactive response strategies as well as on their interpersonal relationship. In modified Model 1, however, positive emotional traits had negative effects on negative-emotion arousal and proactive emotional strategies; moreover, positive emotional traits had indirect negative effects on interpersonal relationship via negative-emotion arousal while such traits had indirect positive effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies. In modified model 2, on the contrary, negative emotional traits had positive effects on negative-emotion arousal while such traits had negative effects on proactive emotional strategies; moreover, negative emotional traits had indirect negative effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies while negative-emotion arousal had indirect positive effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies.
    With accordance to the above findings, the researcher proposed some suggestions with regards to teaching and counseling for nursing training institutes and medical institutions; moreover, some suggestions were proposed for future studies.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0901525112
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