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    Title: 以公私領域概念充實Dewey教育理論之研究
    A Study on The Dewey’s Educational Theory through The Concepts of Public and Private Spheres
    Authors: 葉彥宏
    Ye, Yan Hong
    Contributors: 馮朝霖
    Fong, Chao Lin
    Ye, Yan Hong
    Keywords: 公共領域
    Public Sphere
    Private Sphere
    John Dewey
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:02:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人類的政治與日常生活內容存在於公共領域和私領域中,隨著社會的自由化與民主化,公私領域也對教育產生影響。本研究把公共領域視為政治生活的空間,人們在其中通過彼此的共同經驗來討論各種議題。私領域則是涉及自身關係與親密關係等內容,其發展與公共領域有密不可分的關係。本研究重新描述了Dewey教育理論中的經驗與民主等概念,且針對其中的不足之處,企圖以公私領域的概念加以充實之。研究者主要從四個部分的分析來重構Dewey的理論:一、增加生活經驗的多樣性;二、社會化與個性化的兼顧;三、公共與私人的民主生活;四、民主教育的自主與團結。根據上面的分析,最後研究者對Dewey的教育理論提出了四點建議:第一,把公私領域的概念融入Dewey的經驗理論中,使人們注意到在經驗的連續性及交互作用中,存在那些公共與私人生活的複雜關係;第二,重申個性化和社會化必須兼顧的重要性;第三,瞭解各種團體的互動關係能使共同生活更為完善;第四,把各種公共與私人的關係納入考量中,將有助於彰顯出完整的人類生活面貌。
    The politics and daily life of human lay both in the public and the private sphere, along with the liberalization and democratization in the society, the public and the private sphere also bring about influence on education. The study treats public sphere as the realm of political life. In the realm, people discuss various subjects with their associated experiences. The private sphere involves self and intimacy relations, their development have inseparable relevance to public sphere. The study redescribes the concepts of experience and democracy in the Dewey’s educational theory, and attempts to enrich his shortage with the concept of the public and the private sphere. The Author reconstructs Dewey’s educational theory by four points: Adding the variation of life experiences, giving equal attention to socialization and individualization, public and private democratic life, autonomy and solidarity of the democratic education. Accordingly, the author proposes four suggests to Dewey`s educational theory: Firstly, if people want to understand the complexity of the public and the private life, they need to integrate the public sphere and the private sphere into Dewey’s experience theory. Secondly, reiterating the importance of the individualization and the socialization must be given equal attention. Thirdly, understanding the interactive relationships in various associations could cause to a better associated living. Fourthly, it will be helpful to show a complete human life by taking all kinds of the public and the private relation into account.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094152011
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Education] Theses

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