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    Title: 大學生自我分化與社交焦慮之相關研究
    Authors: 劉紀谷
    Contributors: 陳婉真
    Keywords: 自我分化
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:02:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在瞭解大學生的自我分化程度與社交焦慮狀態之間的相關情形。探討的重點為:(一)不同背景變項的大學生在自我分化與社交焦慮的差異情形;(二)自我分化和社交焦慮的相關情形;(三)自我分化對社交焦慮的預測情形。
    This research aimed at finding out about relationship between differentiation of self and social anxiety of college students in Taiwan. The purposes of the study were to: (1) explore the difference on differentiation of self and social anxiety showed by students with different background variables, (2) relationship between differentiation of self and social anxiety, (3) use differentiation of self to predict social anxiety.
    This research adopted the investigation method of the questionnaire, and used convenience sampling. The sample consisted of 313 college students from Taipei city district. Instruments used in this study were “Differentiation of Self Inventory” and “Scale of Social Anxiety”. Data obtained in this study were One-way Anovaanalysis of variance and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson-Product correlation, multiple regression. The main findings were as follows:
    1.College students have medium social anxiety, among them the highest is authority-figures anxiety, and female show the higher authority-figures anxiety than male.
    2.Differentiation of self of male is higher than female, include lower emotional reactivity, have the ability to take an I-position, and less fusion with parents.
    3.No differences on differentiation of self and social anxiety were found among students with different grade.
    4.Positive correlation was found among emotional reactivity, the ability to take an I-position, and fusion with parents.
    5.Positive correlation was found among authority-figures anxiety, strange-state anxiety, and heterosexual-interaction anxiety.
    6.Negative correlation was found between emotional reactivity, the ability to take an I-position, fusion with parents and authority-figures anxiety, strange-state anxiety, and heterosexual-interaction anxiety.
    7.The results indicated that emotional reactivity, the ability to take an I-position, and fusion with parents could significantly predict authority-figures anxiety.
    8.The results indicated that emotional reactivity and the ability to take an I-position could significantly predict strange-state anxiety.
    9.The results indicated that emotional reactivity and the ability to take an I-position could significantly predict heterosexual-interaction anxiety.

    This research according to the last result, implications of this study for guidance and parenting were discussed, and suggestions for further research were proposed.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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