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    Title: 父母教養信念與方式經由孩子內在動機資源對孩子成就影響之研究
    Authors: 梅淑鶯
    Contributors: 邱美秀
    Keywords: 父母重視學習
    parents` valuing learning
    parental positive perception
    parental involvement
    parental self-efficacy
    perceived competence
    perceived autonomy
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:01:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要的目的在探討父母教養信念與方式、孩子內在動機資源、以及孩子成就之間的關係,即本研究所假設之「父母教養信念與方式影響孩子成就模式」是否成立。其中父母教養信念與方式是以父母重視學習、父母正向知覺、父母投入、以及父母自我效能為測量變項;孩子內在動機資源是以能力感、自主性、以及連繫性為測量變項;孩子成就是以期末成績、以及老師所評定之五育表現為測量變項。

    本研究以雲林縣及台中市共15班的七年級孩子與他們的父母為研究對象。測量工具有三種分別為,測量父母教養信念與方式之「父母教養信念與方式問卷」,測量五育表現的「老師評比問卷」,以及測量孩子內在動機資源的「自我信念領域量表-中文版」。前兩個測量工具為研究者自編,以110份預試問卷,進行選題,建立信、效度,並以正式施測的521個研究樣本考驗問卷之有效性。後者則是譯自學校衡鑑研究工具(Institute for Research and Reform in Education、Inc.、IRRE、1998)的「自我信念領域量表(Beliefs about Self Scale)」。



    This research is to examine a process model of relations among parental beliefs/practices、child inner resources and child achievement、namely、to validate the proposed 『Model of Influences on Parental Beliefs/Practices and Child achievement』. The parental beliefs/practices are composed of four observed variables: parents』 valuing learning、positive perception、involvement and self-efficacy. The child inner resources includes three observed variables: perceived competence、autonomy and relatedness. The child achievement comprises two observed variables: grade point average (GPA) and school performance.

    Participants were children in 15 classes of Grade 7 and their parents. Three self-report questionnaires、including 『Parental Beliefs/Practices Questionnaire』,』Teacher Ratings Questionnaire』 and 『Beliefs about Self Scale』 (Institute for Research and Reform in Education、Inc.、1998)、were utilized to measure the observed variables of parental beliefs/practices、child inner resources and child achievement respectively. The former two instruments、designed by the researcher、were established by a process of item selection and testing of reliability and validity based on the data of 110 participants in a pilot study. The factor structure and validity of these two instruments were further validated by 512 participants. The latter one was translated from the Belief about Self Scale (IRRE、1998) of Research Assessment Package for Schools developed by Institute for Research and Reform in Education、Inc.

    The test result of SEM suggested that the proposed 『Model of Influences on Parental Beliefs/Practices and Child Achievement』 fit the collected data well. That means、besides enhancing children’s achievement directly、all of the four parental beliefs/practices are able to generate a supportive environment to influence the children’s achievement、mediated by child inner resources.

    By the results of stepwise regression、we found that parents』 valuing learning、parental positive perception and perceived competence are important variables in predicting either GPA or school performance. This finding implied、to children in 7th grade、the effective ways in helping children may not be guiding or monitoring their learning activities、arranging additional training or providing advice、but to emphasize learning and appreciate children’s performance positively. This kind of attitude will enhance children’s positive self-concept or perceived competence so as to improve their performance in school.

    Besides above results、we raised several advices for parents and school for the sake of parental practices and education. Suggestions were also made for further research.
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