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    Title: 國中校長教學領導、教師領導與家庭教養文化對學生表現影響之研究
    The Study of the Effects of Junior High School Principal Instructional Leadership, Teacher Leadership, and Family Educational Culture on Student Performances
    Authors: 陳怡潔
    Chen, Yi Chieh
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Wu, Cheng Ta
    Chen, Yi Chieh
    Keywords: 校長教學領導
    principal instructional leadership
    teacher leadership
    family educational culture
    student performances
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:00:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討國民中學校長教學領導、教師領導與家庭教養文化對學生表現之影響。首先,要了解國民中學校長教學領導與教師領導之現況;其次,探討不同家庭背景學生對家庭教養文化知覺的差異情形;再者,分析校長教學領導、教師領導、家庭教養文化與學生學業成就之間的相關情形;最後,利用結構方程式以校長教學領導與家庭教養文化為外衍變項;學校文化、學生參與和認同與學生學業成就為內衍變項,探討各變項之間的直間接效果,並找出對學生表現預測力最強的因素。
    一、 國民中學教師對校長教學領導之知覺為中度表現。
    二、 國民中學教師對教師領導之知覺為中度表現。
    三、 不同家庭背景之國民中學學生對於家庭教養文化的知覺有顯著差異。
    四、 國中校長教學領導與學生學業成就有正相關。
    五、 國中教師領導與學生學業成就有正相關。
    六、 家庭教養文化與學生學業成就有正相關。
    七、 本研究所假設的結構模型在LISREL整體適配度考驗下,為一可接受模型,並可顯示出各變項之間的直間接效果。尤其,家庭教養文化對於學生表現有高度的預測力;而校長教學領導與教師領導必須透過學校文化才能對學生表現造成顯著影響。
    The Study of the Effects of Junior High School Principal Instructional Leadership, Teacher Leadership, and Family Educational Culture on Student Performances

    The goal of the study is to explore the relationship among junior high school principal instructional leadership, teacher leadership, family educational culture and student performances. First of all, to understand the common situation of principal instructional leadership and teacher leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school. And then, to explore the differences between students’ perceptions toward family educational cultures and students’ family backgrounds, including brother and sisters’ number in family, family organization type, parents’ education degree, and parents’ occupation. Next, to analyze the correlation between principal instructional leadership &student achievement, teacher leadership&student achievement, and family educational culture&student achievement. Finally, to use the Structural equation modeling to exam the feasibility of the hypothetical model, and through the path analysis to find out the direct and indirect effects between each variable.
    There were 858 valid cases, including 236 teachers and 622 students. The returned data were analyzed by statistical methods such as “ Mean”, “Standard Deviation”, “One-Way ANOVA”, “Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation”, and“ Structural Equation Modeling”.
    The major results were summarized as follows:
    1. The entire performance of principal instructional leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school is at middle degree.
    2. The entire performance of teacher leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school is at middle degree, too.
    3. There are obvious differences between students’ perceptions toward family educational cultures and students’ family backgrounds.
    4. There is a positive correlation between principal instructional leadership and student achievement.
    5. There is a positive correlation between teacher leadership and student achievement.
    6. There is a positive correlation between family educational culture and student achievement.
    7. Through the LISREL test, improving the hypothetical model in our research could be acceptable, and it could show the direct and indirect effects between variables. We also find out that family educational culture is the most powerful predicator to student performances in the study.
    At last, to bring up some concrete suggestions according to the study outcomes as references for governmental institution for education, junior high school principals, junior high school teachers and parents, and correlated study in the future.
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