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    Title: 行為改變技術對學業行為影響之個案實驗研究之統合分析
    A Quantitative Synthesis of Single-Subject Researches into the Effect of Behavioral Modification on Academic Behaviors
    Authors: 高玉靜
    Contributors: 馬信行
    Keywords: 單一受試研究
    single-subject research
    PND (Percentage of Nonoverlapping Data)
    PEM (Percentage of Data Points Exceeding)
    academic behavior
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:56:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究藉由整合相關之單一受試實驗研究結果來探討行為改變技術對學業行為影響之效果。研究中用來計算效應量的方法有兩種:未重疊資料百分率(Percentage of Nonoverlapping Data, PND)、超過基線中點資料百分率(Percentage of Data Points Exceeding the Median of Preceding Baseline Phase, PEM)。為了檢視超過基線中點資料百分率方法應用在單一受試實驗研究統合分析上之可行性,本研究以各原研究作者之判斷為效標,對超過基線中點資料百分率與未重疊資料百分率之效度進行比較。
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of behavioral modification on academic behaviors by aggregating relevant conclusions of primary single-subject researches. Two approaches are used to generate estimations of effect sizes: the PND (Percentage of Nonoverlapping Data) approach, and the PEM (Percentage of Data Points Exceeding the Median of Preceding Baseline Phase). To test the applicability of the PEM approach, the validity of the PEM scores is compared with that of the PND scores by using the judgments of original authors as a validity criterion.
    A total of 98 studies are reviewed. Treatments include (a) computer assisted instruction; (b) cooperative learning; (c) mastery learning; (d) reinforcement; (e) self-control training; (f) situated learning; (g) social learning; (h) strategy instruction; and (i) others.
    Results indicate that all kinds of interventions produce positive effects on participants’ academic behaviors. In addition, the PEM approach is shown to be an appropriate method for a quantitative synthesis of single-subject researches.
    Reference: References with asterisk signify that they are included in a meta-analysis.
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