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    Title: 高中職校長轉型領導、知識管理與學校效能之研究
    The study of school effectiveness, knowledge management and transformational leadership of senior/vocational high school principals
    Authors: 林金福
    Contributors: 林邦傑

    Keywords: 轉型領導
    transformational leadership
    knowledge management
    school effectiveness
    senior/vocational high schools
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:53:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘 要
    本研究主要在探討高中職校長轉型領導、學校知識管理與學校效能的關係。為達成研究目的,首先進行轉型領導(transformational leadership)、知識管理(knowledge management)及學校效能(school effectiveness)的相關文獻分析,並發展調查問卷初稿,經過預試後之項目分析及因素分析等過程,據以建構「高中職學校狀況調查問卷」研究工具。隨後依學校所在地區分為北區、中區、南區及學校類別屬於高中或高職,採分層叢集隨機取樣之方式,抽取台灣地區之高中職學校教師1300人進行問卷調查,問卷回收率為91.62%,剔除無效樣本31人,有效樣本人數為1160人。研究資料,使用SPSS for Windows 11.5版進行統計分析;依研究目的,除了做描述性統計之外,並依調查樣本背景之不同,進行單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),考驗不同背景變項之差異情形,並以Scheffé法進行事後比較;另以典型相關(canonical correlation)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson product-moment correlation)及逐步多元迴歸分析(stepwise multiple regression analysis)等統計方法,了解校長轉型領導、學校知識管理與學校效能各層面間的相關及預測情形;最後並以訪談做深入之探討。綜合文獻分析、問卷調查之統計考驗及訪談資料分析,本研究獲得以下結論:


    This study aimed to explore the correlations among three factors, i.e. school effectiveness, knowledge management and transformational leadership of senior/vocational high school principals. In order to achieve the objective of this study, the methods of literature review about the correlated themes were first adopted, and then this study proceeded to do the first draft questionnaire survey. After the processes of item and factor analysis from the prior test, the research instrument–“The questionnaire of senior/vocational high schools” was formed according to the above analysis.
    Afterward, all schools here were divided into north district, middle district, south district, senior high and vocational high based on their location and category to do cluster sampling. The survey subjects included teachers from senior high and vocational high schools in Taiwan, namely, 1300 teachers were sampled through the way of random. The rate of retrieve was 91.62% and the valid samples were 1160 copies, exclusive of the ineffective samples. The research data acquired was analyzed by SPSS for Windows 11.5 version based on the research purpose. The statistic procedures included the means, standard deviation and one-way ANOVA, examining variances in different variables. Scheffé method was used for post-comparison to examine the interrelations among each subject groups. Besides, canonical correlation, Pearson & stepwise multiple regression analysis were applied in the research to comprehend interrelations as well as predictions among the three aspects of transformational leadership from principals, knowledge management in schooling and school effectiveness. Further exploration on the issue was made through the interviews. According to the integrated analysis, which was from the adoption of research methodologies of literature review, questionnaire survey and interview. And the conclusions were as follows:

    1. For the topic of “Transformational leadership of a principal from senior /vocational high schools”—The way of “establishing perspective” was used instead of “individuals concerns” commonly; And “dominate knowledge” as well as “knowledge center” were emphasized on the issue of knowledge management. With regard of the theme of school effectiveness, the “administration leadership” and “students’ behavior” were paid much close attention to.
    2. Male principals performed much higher effectiveness than female principals on the transformational leadership in consciousness.
    3. The consciousness from transformational leadership, knowledge management and school effectiveness differed greatly from backgrounds. Male teachers were higher than female teachers. Experienced teachers were more superior to new teachers. Teachers served in administration position were more excellent than common teachers. Teachers from private schools were finer than those from public schools. Teachers from middle or south Taiwan were greater than those from north Taiwan.
    4. There were remarkable interrelations between “ transformational leadership” and “ knowledge management”.
    5. The strong interrelation among the “transformation leadership”, “knowledge management” and “school effectiveness” occurred obviously.
    6. The cumulative variance of transformational leadership to the school effectiveness was about 61.9%. And the “inspired intelligence” possessed strongly predictable effects.
    7. The cumulative variance of knowledge management to “school effectiveness” was about 59.2%. And “ the staffing systems” and “ recessive knowledge” held the strongly predictable effects.
    According to the conclusions of this study, the further suggestions were provided to the department of educational administration, principals from senior/vocational high schools and schools for reference and the views of promoting research about “transformational leadership”, “knowledge management” and “school effectiveness” were raised also.
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