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Title: | 國民小學教師領域性與協同教學意願關係之研究 A Study on the Relationships Between the Concept of Territoriality of Teachers |
Authors: | 王素芸 Wang,Su Yun |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 黃炳煌 Chin,Mong Qun Hwang,Ping Hwang 王素芸 Wang,Su Yun |
Keywords: | 領域性 教學領域性 教師領域性 協同教學 territoriality territoriality of teaching territoriality of teachers team teaching |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 14:52:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在透過人類領域性理論,探討教師領域性相關內涵,以理解教師領域性心理與行為,進而探討國小教師領域性與協同教學意願的關係。本研究重點主要包括:(1)人類領域性與教師領域性的相關概念、(2)協同教學相關概念、(3)國小教師領域性與協同教學意願的關係、(4)對國小協同教學實施的建議。 本研究採用文獻分析法以及問卷調查法進行,以自編之「國民小學教師領域性與協同教學意願調查問卷」,針對台北市五所有班群教室設計與協同教學的國小及五所一般國小,合計十所國小全體教師實施問卷調查。合計發出502份問卷,有效問卷共計247份,有效問卷比例約49.2%。使用的統計方法除描述性統計外,還包括信度分析、T考驗、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、因素分析及潛在變項分析。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、國小教師確實會以領域相關概念處理教學相關事項,亦即,教師對教學相關事項的處理,確實存在領域性。 二、國小教師對教學相關事項的處理,偏向於初級領域概念。保守言之,其教師領域概念介於初級領域與次級領域之間,且略偏向初級領域。 三、整體而言,國小教師具有中等以上程度的教學相關領域性。 四、在五種教學相關領域事項中,國小教師最期望獲取的是時間與空間,最尊重不侵擾的是時間與學生群體。相對上,「教學時間」最能代表國小教師領域性。 五、經實證調查分析,八項有意義的領域性影響因素為:人際身分因素、領域特質因素、情境因素、性格/經驗因素、人際異同喜惡因素、資源因素、自我概念因素、程序因素。 六、整體而言,國小教師協同教學意願維持在中等程度,並傾向認為學校教師彼此間應該像是「親密的一家人」。 七、國小教師似乎偏好某些類型的協同教學。 八、國小教師若越傾向以初級領域概念處理教學空間、教學資源、教學時間、學生群體、及個人對教學的想法或做法,就越傾向不願意實施協同教學。 九、不同人口變項的國小教師其教師領域性與協同教學意願高低有顯著差異。 十、國小教師的教學相關領域性與其他場域領域性的特性有差異。 最後,依據上述研究結果,本研究分別提出對國小學課程與教學、學校或教育行政機關及未來研究的建議。 This study aimed to investigate the content of territoriality of teachers through the theory of human territoriality, for realizing the psychological and behavioral significance of territoriality of teachers, and then studying the relationships between the concept of territoriality of teachers and the willingness of team teaching of elementary school teachers. The main pointes of this study includes: (1) the concepts about human territoriality and territoriality of teachers, (2) the concepts of team teaching, (3) the relationships between the concept of territoriality of teachers and the willingness of team teaching of elementary school teachers, and (4) the suggestions on the implementation of team teaching in the elementary schools. In this study, literature review and questionnaire survey were adopted; and the questionnaire “A Survey on the Relationships Between the Concept of Territoriality of Teachers and the Willingness of Team Teaching of Elementary School Teachers” was designed. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 502 elementary school teachers, from five clustered-classroom and team-teaching public elementary schools and five other general public elementary schools in Taipei city. At last, 247 questionnaires (49.2%) were valid and analyzed. Besides descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, factor analysis and SEM were used to analyze the data from the questionnaire survey. Some of significant findings of this study are as follows: 1. Most elementary school teachers treat related teaching affairs with territory concepts. That’s to say, the concept of territoriality of teachers can be found in the treatment of teaching affairs by most elementary school teachers. 2. Most elementary school teachers tend to treat teaching affairs with the concept of primary territory. In terms of conservative analysis, the inclination falls on the border between the primary and secondary territory, but towards the primary territory. 3. In general, most elementary school teachers possess above-average level of related territoriality of teaching. 4. Among five related territoriality of teaching affairs, most elementary school teachers desire to have time and space—value time and “space” most—and extremely respect time and students, which cannot be bothered. In other words, “Teaching time” is the most representative of territoriality of teachers. 5. After the analysis of the empirical study, eight significant Influential factors of territoriality are: (1) inter-personal relationship and status, (2) territorial characteristics, (3) situation, (4) personality/experience, (5) inter-personal preference, (6) resources, (7) self-concept, and (8) procedure. 6. On the whole, most elementary school teachers’ willingness to team teaching are moderate, and tend to regard each other as intimate family members. 7. Most elementary school teachers tend to prefer some kinds of team teaching. 8. The more elementary school teachers tend to treat—with the concept of primary territory—teaching space, teaching resources, teaching time, students, and their thinking and doing about teaching, the less they are willing to practice team teaching. 9. For the elementary school teachers of different demographical variables, the relationships between their territoriality of teachers and willingness of team teaching are significantly different. 10. The characteristics of territoriality of teaching are different from those of other fields. Finally, based on the findings of the questionnaire survey and related literature review, the researcher works out some suggestions on the elementary school curriculum and instruction, schools and educational administrative organizations and future researchers. |
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