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    题名: 幼兒園教育品質指標體系建構之研究
    作者: 白育綺
    贡献者: 徐聯恩

    关键词: 幼兒園教育品質
    日期: 2003
    上传时间: 2009-09-17 14:48:54 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究之目的在於釐清幼兒園教育品質之概念與內涵,並建構「幼兒園教育品質指標體系」,做為幼兒園人員、家長、主管機關等利害關係人評估幼兒園效能效率表現之參考,並為提升幼兒園教育品質提供涵意。
    一、 幼兒園教育品質為一以幼教歷程為核心、逐漸向外拓展的概念,幼兒園教育品質的探究範圍包含幼兒經歷之幼教歷程、教室層級之環境與組織層級之管理。
    (一) 幼教文獻中,幼兒園教育品質係以幼兒發展為本位,關注教室層級以內,主要就歷程、結構、教師之相關因素做深入探討,於幼兒園組織管理層面探討較少。
    (二) 本研究中,幼兒園教育品質係以幼兒園為本位,探究範圍較廣,關注幼兒園組織層級,並主張以全面品質充實幼兒園教育品質之概念與內涵。
    二、 本研究以全面品質觀點建構幼兒園教育品質指標,參考包德理治教育指標之架構,包含幼教歷程、教職員管理、家長關係、園所長領導、幼兒園策略規劃、資訊分析與知識管理、幼兒園經營策略等七構面,指標內涵整合了幼兒環境量表(ECERS-R)、NAEYC認證標準與包德理治教育指標,初擬70項指標,經由幼兒園內部觀點篩選,保留66項指標。
    三、 以AHP層級分析法求得幼兒園教育品質構面之相對權重,依權重值排序,幼兒園教育品質構面依序為:幼教歷程(15.8%)、園所長領導(15.6%)、幼兒園策略規劃(15.2%)、教職員管理(14.2%)、幼兒園經營策略(14.2%)、資訊分析與知識管理(12.6%)、家長關係(12.5%)。續透過三角模糊數歸一化之方式,將構面權重分配予各項指標,完成「幼兒園教育品質指標體系」與「幼兒園教育品質自我評估表」。
    The purpose of this study aims to clarify the concept and contents of educational quality in ECE schools providing 4-6 year-old children early childhood education, and also to establish a system of educational quality indicators in ECE schools.
    Through literature review and analysis, two questionnaires “the properness of the educational quality indicators in ECE schools” and “the relative importance of the educational quality dimensions in ECE schools” --- were constructed. Total of 151 subjects consisting of leaders, teachers and staffs in ECE schools were invited to complete these two questionnaires in order to form the internal perspective to the educational quality indicators. The data were analyzed by computing triangular fuzzy sets and using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
    The conclusions are as follows:
    1. The core concept of the educational quality in ECE schools is ECE process, and the concept extends outward gradually. The ECE process, the environment and the management of the organization all should be included when the educational quality in ECE schools is discussed.
    (i) In the literature, the concept of the educational quality in ECE schools is based on the development of children. The concept is more about factors inside the classroom, including factors related to ECE process, structure, and teachers, and factors related to organizational management were less discussed.
    (ii) In this study, the concept of educational quality in ECE schools is school-based. The concept is more about factors related to organizational management. The author suggested that the concept and contents of educational quality in ECE schools will broaden and be enriched if the concept of total quality is integrated.
    2. The educational quality indicators in ECE schools are composed of 66 indicators which can categorized into seven dimensions --- ECE process, management of the staff, relationship with parents, leadership, strategy, information analysis and knowledge management, and results.
    3. The weight for each dimension is ECE process(15.8%), leadership(15.6%), strategic planning(15.2%), staff management(14.2%), strategy(14.2%), information analysis and knowledge management(12.6%), relationship with parents(12.5%). The weight for each indicator is allocated, and the system of educational quality indicators in ECE schools is completed as well.
    In the end, some implications for ECE practice and future research were suggested according to the findings of this study.
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