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    Title: 學校競爭與幼兒園品質、組織創新之相關研究
    A Study of The Relations Between School Competition, ECE Program Quality, and Organizational Innovation
    Authors: 陳依甯
    Chen, Yi Ning
    Contributors: 徐聯恩
    Chen, Yi Ning
    Keywords: 市場化
    school competition
    ECE program quality
    organizational innovation
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:47:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 教育改革近年來在世界各國蔚為風潮,而藉由市場的力量促進學校間彼此競爭是其中一項重要的理念,但促使教育市場化的結果,衍生出許多的爭議和問題。本研究以學校競爭、幼兒園品質、組織創新為主要變項,希望透過本研究來釐清三個變項間之關係,並瞭解學校競爭影響幼兒園品質、組織創新之情形。
    Educational reform has been a trend in western countries. School competition is one of the concept in market-oriented reforms. Yet, evidence on the actual benefits of market-oriented reforms is at best mixed.
    The purpose of the article is to integrative school competition and the relationship between ECE program quality and organizational innovation in kindergarten. A questionnaires survey are adopted for the study and were distributed to 153 kindergartens in Wenshan district and Wanhua district of Taipei City. The number of valid return rate was 54.2%. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Person correlation, t-test, and ANOVA.
    The results were as follow:
    1. This study investigated the concept of school competition, and linked up school competition with ECE program quality and organizational innovation.
    2. This study revealed that the degree of competition between kindergartens was not equal.
    3. This study showed that the competition in Wenshan district was higher than in Wanhua district.
    4. This study indicated that ECE program quality was good in Wenshan district and Wanhua district.
    5. This study showed that knowledge activity quality of kindergarten needed to strengthen in Wenshan and Wanhua district.
    6. This study indicated that organizational innovation of kindergarten was good in Wenshan district and Wanhua district.
    7. This study demonstrated a positive relationship between school competition and service quality.
    8. This study showed a positive relationship between instruction innovation and administration innovation.

    9.This study revealed that administration innovations in public school were adopted more than in private school.
    Overall, findings from this study pointed to several relevant implications for the early childhood education practice and follow-up research.
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