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Title: | 學前教師閱讀教學及其相關因素之研究 The Status and Related Factors of Preschool Teachers’ Teaching Reading |
Authors: | 鄧慧茹 Teng, Hui-Ju |
Contributors: | 簡楚瑛 Chien, Chu-Ying 鄧慧茹 Teng, Hui-Ju |
Keywords: | 學前教師 閱讀教學 閱讀教學內涵 閱讀教學方法 閱讀環境 preschool teacher reading teaching the content of reading teaching the methods of reading teaching reading environment |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 14:46:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討學前教師閱讀教學現況及其相關影響因素。本研究透過文獻分析以及結構式觀察研究法,以了解閱讀教學的現況及其相關影響因素。本研究之母群體為台北市公立幼稚園教師,採用立意取樣和隨機抽樣的方式,選取研究樣本共計35位教師。研究工具為自編之「學前教師閱讀教學現況檢核表」。使用SPSS套裝軟體,將所搜集的資料進行描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、薛費法事後比較。
本研究之研究結論如下: 壹、學前教師閱讀教學現況 一、閱讀教學內涵 所有的教師會教授字彙知識、口頭語言中的語音和語用,以及閱讀理解中的表層理解,但是較少強調聲韻覺識中的音節辨義單位、拼音教學以及閱讀理解中的理解監控。 二、閱讀教學方法 學前教師在五個構面中最常使用的教學方法如下:(一)聲韻覺識:讓孩子聽唱押韻的詩歌;(二)字彙知識:製作姓名卡片,讓孩子認識自己的名字;(三)口頭語言:讓孩子唸讀押韻的短文;(四)背景知識:利用故事圖片,引導孩子瀏覽和討論;(五)閱讀理解:進行與故事書相關的活動,以增進背景知識。 三、閱讀環境 在閱讀環境的營造如下:(一)閱讀時間:不會每天安排團體閱讀時間,且缺少固定的自由閱讀時間;(二)閱讀空間:多有提供獨立的閱讀空間和開架書櫃;(三)文字環境:教師多有提供文字環境的佈置,如:字詞表、日曆…等(四)圖書資源:多有在教室放置大量的圖書資源和建立書籍借閱制度。 貳、影響學前教師閱讀教學之相關因素 不同的教學年資,對學前教師的閱讀空間營造有影響。不同的教師學歷,對閱讀教學沒有影響。不同的教師閱讀教學研習時數,對學前教師的閱讀教學內涵、方法和環境有影響。不同教學年資和教師學歷的交互因素,對學前教師背景知識教學內涵有影響。 The main purpose of this study was to understand the status and related factors of preschool teachers’ teaching reading. Literature review and structure observation were adopted. The population was public preschool teachers in Taipei city. By means of purposive sampling and random sampling, the samples included 35 teachers. The research instrument, the status of preschool teachers’ teaching reading chick list, was designed from literature by myself. The observation data was analyzed statistically by description statistics, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and the Scheffé method through the use of SPSS.
The major results are summarized in the following: A. The status of preschool teachers’ teaching reading a. the content of teaching reading All of the preschool teachers would teach vocabulary knowledge, pronunciation and language use of oral language, and surface comprehension of reading comprehension, but stress less on the tone, combining sounds of phonological awareness, and comprehension motoring of reading comprehension. b. the methods of teaching reading The methods of teaching reading using frequently in 5 dimensions: (a) Phonological awareness: Let children listen and sing rhyming poetry. (b) Vocabulary knowledge: To make children’s name cards. (c) Oral language: Let children read the rhyming short essay. (d) Background knowledge: To guided children flipping through the pictures of book and discussing. (e) Reading comprehension: To precede the relative actives. c. reading environment The reading environment includes 4 dimensions: (a) Reading time: The team reading time wasn’t arranged everyday. (b) Reading space: Most teachers would provide the independent space and an open shelf. (c) Print environment: Most teachers would decorate the classroom with the vocabulary agenda, a calendar, etc. (d) Book resources: Most teachers would establish a book-loaning system. B. The related factors of preschool teacher’s teaching reading Different working experiences influenced the reading space. Different educational backgrounds didn’t influence teaching reading. Different extended education hours influenced teaching reading. Different working experiences and different educational backgrounds influenced the background knowledge of reading . |
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