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    Title: 幼稚園組織創新與跨組織關係之研究
    Authors: 陳靜怡
    Contributors: 徐聯恩
    Keywords: 幼稚園
    organizational innovation
    interorganizational links
    institutional links
    resource links
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:45:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的有二,一是探討幼稚園組織創新,將從組織創新重要性、組織創新新穎性和組織創新等三方面,以釐清幼稚園組織創新的樣貌。二是探討幼稚園跨組織關係對組織創新的影響,其中跨組織關係又分為體制連結與資源連結。體制連結係指,園長是否為該協會成員,以及一年內參與政府和專業團體所舉辦的研習活動時數,和園所校外教學觀摩的次數;資源連結係指幼稚園在一年內與社區辦理活動次數或交流的頻率。

    關鍵字:幼稚園、組織創新、跨組織關係、教學創新、行政創新、體制連結、 資源連結
    The purpose of this article is to integrative organizational innovation and the relationship between organizational innovation and Interorganizational links in Kindergarten. A stratified random sampling and a questionnaires survey are adopted for the study and were distributed to 315 kindergartens in Taipei County, Taipei City, Taichung County, Taichung City, Kaohsiung County and Kaohsiung City. The number of valid returns was 95, and the valid return rate was 30.48%. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, t-test, ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analysis.
    The results were as follow:
    1.In the study, we particularized 118 innovations: instruction innovation are 62 items, and the administrative innovation are 58 items.
    2.The difference in scale of kindergarten results in the difference in the importance of instruction innovation.
    3.The difference in scale of kindergarten results in the difference in the degree of instruction innovation and administration innovation.
    4.The difference in type of organization results in the difference in the instruction innovation.
    5.The difference in type of organization results in the difference in the administration innovation.
    6.The difference in area of organization results in the difference in the instruction innovation.
    7.The difference in area of organization results in the difference in the administration innovation.
    8.Our results showed a positive relationship between the importance of instruction innovation and the instruction innovation in Taiwan kindergartens.
    9.Our results showed a positive relationship between the importance of administration innovation and the administration innovation in Taiwan kindergartens.
    10.Kindergartens are more likely to adopt instruction innovations when they are linked with in resource links.
    11.Kindergartens are more likely to adopt administration innovations when they are linked with in resource links.

    Key words: kindergartens、organizational innovation、interorganizational links、institutional links、resource links
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089157002
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