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    Title: 論製藥產業之實驗實施免責
    The Experimental Use Exemption of Pharmaceutical Industry
    Authors: 張睿麟
    Chang, Jui Lin
    Contributors: 馮震宇
    Fong, Jerry G.
    Chang, Jui Lin
    Keywords: 實驗實施免責
    Experimental Use Exemption
    Research Exemption
    Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act
    Research Exception
    Generic Drug
    Hatch-Waxman Act
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:18:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著醫療科技的進展,人類對於疾病的成因、機轉、病程、及治療,在不斷地研究突破下,有著持續的進步而對人類的健康有著不可或缺的貢獻。其中藥品,正是人類對抗疾病最關鍵、也最普遍的方式之一,對公共衛生的重要性自不待言。


    With the progress of medical technology, humans have been furthering the understanding of the etiologies, mechanisms, courses, and treatments of diseases. Such continued progresses have contributed significantly to improving human health. Among all the treatments, the pharmaceutical is one of the key and common ways with which humanity fight diseases. Its importance to public health is beyond doubt.

    Due to the nature of the life sciences, the pharmaceutical industry depends more on research and development than other industries do. Therefore, on average, it costs innovative pharmaceutical companies 1.3 billion U.S. dollars to develop a new drug. Furthermore, countries around the world pose strict regulations on new drugs’ entering the market since drugs cause huge impacts on the physiological functions and internal balances of the human body. Hence, it generally takes ten to fifteen years for a new drug to be fully developed. The enormous investment and lengthy developing period makes the pharmaceutical companies extremely dependant on the intellectual property system to provide them with the incentive for research and development. However, it is also because of the intellectual property protection that makes new drugs expensive and difficult for the public to access. The Generic drug, however, is one of the key solutions to solve this problem and is intensively promoted by countries all over the world. Regarding the promotion of the generic drug industry, the experimental use exemption is one of the vital systemic considerations. There are discussions on the characters of the pharmaceutical industry, on the common law and statutory experimental use exemptions of the United States, and on the related regulations and precedents of the experimental use exemption in Taiwan. Through the above discussions, the thesis is aimed at identifying the possible problems the regulations on experimental use exemption might cause when applied to the practice of the pharmaceutical industry and at proposing possible solutions to such problems.

    The characters of the pharmaceutical industry are discussed in Chapter two. The concepts and the criteria of the common law experimental use exemptions are discussed in Chapter three. The legislation background, related precedents, and impacts on the field of biotechnology of the statutory experimental use exemptions in the United States are illustrated in Chapter four. Lastly, in chapter five, the restrictions on patent right in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of the World Trade Organization is first discussed. The related regulations on experimental use exemptions in Taiwan are later discussed. Lastly, through the scholars’ opinions and related precedents, the possible problems of application of the experimental use exemption in Taiwan are illustrated and the probable solutions are proposed.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0946520081
    Data Type: thesis
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