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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/32709
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    Title: 以主題為基礎的音樂結構性分析
    Theme-Based Music Structural Analysis
    Authors: 何旻璟
    Ho, Min-ching
    Contributors: 沈錳坤
    Shan, Man-Kwan
    Ho, Min-ching
    Keywords: 音樂結構分析
    Music Structural Analysis
    Motivic treatment
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:06:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 音樂分段在研究音樂分析相關的領域是很重要的研究題目。音樂的分段可以提供作音樂結構分析、音樂瀏覽、音樂內容查詢與音樂摘要等應用。本論文的研究目的就是對音樂作自動分段,以幫助使用者能快速瀏覽音樂的內容。因此,我們針對音樂的主題作主題式的分段。
    Music segmentation is one of the important issues in music analysis. Music segmentation can be utilized for music structure analysis, music browsing, content-based music retrieval, and music summarization. In this theis, we proposed a music segmentation method based on the music theme to provide users the capability to browse music segments by theme.
    Motives, the concepts of the composer, are the basic elements of music themes. Music themes were constructed by motives. In order to segment music by themes, we have to discover motives. Most motives repeated in the music by some motivic treatment rules. Therefore, motives can be discovered by these rules.
    We proposed the theme segmentation method. There are four steps. Firstly, we extract main melody from original music. In the second step, rough segments are generated from main melody by mining non-trivial repeating patterns. Then, motives are detected from rough segments. We modify the mining algorithm for discovering frequent patterns by applying motivic treatment rules proposed by Stein. Finally, we segment main melody based on the generated motives. Moreover, a system for segmentation of music in MIDI format was implemented.
    Concerning the effectiveness evaluation of music segmentation, precision and recall are used in previous research. We proposed an effectiveness measure and corresponding algorithm to evaluate the accuracy of music segmentation. Experimental results show that our proposed music segmentation method achieves 65% accuracy.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0917530081
    Data Type: thesis
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