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    Title: 自我傷害動機、負向情緒、經驗迴避、情緒調節與青少年自我傷害行為之關係探索
    Exploring the Relation of the Motivation of Deliberate Self-harm, Negative Affect, Experiential Avoidance, Emotion Regulation and Adolescents’ Deliberate Self-harm Behaviors
    Authors: 呂孟真
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Keywords: 自我傷害
    affect intensity
    deliberate self-harm
    emotion regulation
    experiential avoidance
    negative affect
    self-injurious behavior
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 13:22:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探索自我傷害行為的動機、相關現象與情緒調節功能,並以此為基礎釐清該行為的情緒內涵,包括正向情緒強度特質、負向情緒強度特質、平靜滿足、經驗迴避程度及情緒調節能力。此外,本研究以因素分析探索自傷動機的分類,並以此分類結果為基礎,探討不同自傷動機所引發的情緒種類、情緒強度是否有所不同,在自傷行為的進行方式、次數上是否有顯著差異,並瞭解其無法適當應用的情緒調節能力為何。研究採用問卷調查的方式,研究對象為839位私立高中職生,包括日間部與夜間部,調查所得資料以描述統計分析、卡方檢定、相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、因素分析、邏輯迴歸分析和階層迴歸分析進行處理。
    The purpose of this study was to explore the motivations, the phenomenon, and the function of deliberate self-harm behaviors(DSH), and based on these, to clarify emotional contents behind DSH, including positive affect intensity, negative affect intensity, serenity, experiential avoidance and the emotional regulation ability. Besides, the study investigated the classification of the motivations of DSH by exploratory factor analysis, and accordingly discussed whether the affect categories and the affect intensity resulted from the motivations of DSH were different, and whether the motivations of DSH resulted in significantly different using of methods and frequencies, moreover, the emotional dysregulation. The study was based on questionnaires, and the participants were 839 students from a private senior high school , including vocational schools. Data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, t-test, factor analysis (FA), logistic regression, and hierarchical regression analysis.
    The main results were as follows: First, the results supported that DSH has regulative function on negative affect, and experiential avoidance influenced DSH limitedly. Second, according to factor analysis, the motivations of DSH were classified into four categories: interpersonal influence, negative affect modulation, control, and negative self-evaluation. Moreover, nonacceptance of the emotion dysregulation could successfully distinguish students with DSH from students with no history of DSH in the past 1 year. Both intensity of motivations and impulse of the emotion dysregulation could reliably predict DSH’s frequency. Finally, different methods of DSH correlated to different motivations and different emotions before DSH, and there were various representations of affect intensity, emotion dysregulation, and methods depends on different motivations.
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