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    Title: 組織轉型能力之建構與評鑑工具之發展
    Authors: 徐家偉
    Contributors: 張裕隆
    Keywords: 組織轉型
    organizational transformation
    organizational transformation competence
    organizational generic competence
    organizational core competence
    organizational performance
    organizational competitiveness
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 13:21:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的在於探討組織轉型能力之建構,並依此建構發展一套組織能力之評鑑工具。其次,融入組織核心能力、核心職能與轉型能力的概念,建構組織能力發展模式,以協助台灣中小企業有效診斷組織體質,進而提昇組織績效與競爭力。
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the constructs of organizational transformation competence and use them to develop an assessment tool for evaluating organizational competencies. Besides, the concepts of core competence (based on the strategic management theory), generic competence (based on the competence model), and transformation competence, were incorporated to construct a model of organizational competence development, so as to assist Taiwanese small and medium enterprises to effectively diagnose organizational itself and further of enhance organizational performance and competitiveness.
    This study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research methods for analysis. First of all, Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) was used to perform in-depth interviews with the research subjects (n=5). Besides, the biographical texts of the studied cases (America’s GE Group, China’s Haier Electronics Group, and Taiwan’s Acer Group) were analyzed to design the items of the questionnaire. Also corporate organizations in Taiwan were taken as the population, and a total of 124 samples were collected using purposive sampling. Through empirical analysis, it showed that the proposed “Organizational Transformation Competence Scale” encompassed four dimensions, namely organizational leadership, strategic vision, mental model, and organizational learning. In conclusion, the internal consistency validity (Cronbach’s α=.973), criterion-related validity (validity coefficient=.611), and construct validity were good and compliant.

    Moreover, according to the path analysis of the organizational competence model and performance, it was revealed that (1) organizational transformation competence had the mediating effect on the relationships between generic competence and organizational core competence and organizational performance; (2) organizational competencies were significantly correlated with one another, and contributive and influential to organizational performance; (3) the mental model and organizational learning dimensions of organizational transformation competence and the organizational core competence for resource competition could mostly predict organizational performance. Finally, substantial suggestions were proposed for follow-up academic studies and practical applications.
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