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Title: | 由眼動資料探討中文成語詞及組合詞在心理辭典中的表徵方式 |
Authors: | 李培榮 Lee, Pei Jung |
Contributors: | 顏乃欣 李培榮 Lee, Pei Jung |
Keywords: | 眼動 語意透明度 心理辭典 eye movement semantic transparency mental lexicon |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 13:19:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究是探討中文雙字詞的語意透明度是否影響詞彙在心理辭典中的表徵方式。實驗一、二操弄詞彙的語意透明度、字頻及詞頻,以詞彙判斷作業進行。結果發現顯著的語意透明度效果,語意不透明的詞(成語詞)之反應時間和錯誤率均較語意透明的詞(組合詞)少;詞頻效果也達顯著,高頻詞的反應時間和錯誤率均較低頻詞少。而字頻與語意透明度間有交互作用存在,組合詞有顯著的字頻效果,成語詞則不受字頻影響。實驗三、四則利用眼動追蹤技術,探討不同語意透明度、字頻、詞頻的詞彙在語句中的閱讀處理歷程。結果發現,在有關凝視時間的指標上,均出現顯著的語意透明度效果和詞頻效果。成語詞的字頻效果除了出現於第一次凝視時間指標外,在其餘指標上均無字頻效果。組合詞的字頻效果則出現於第一次凝視時間及總凝視時間上,而第一次經過的其餘眼動指標也有存在字頻效果的趨勢。本篇研究以Taft annd Zhu(1995)的多層次交互激發表徵模式為架構,提出一中文成語詞與組合詞的詞彙表徵模型。此模式顯示組合詞在詞素層次具有詞素表徵,在詞彙層次具有全詞表徵。而成語詞在詞素層次無對應的詞素表徵,是以全詞方式表徵於詞彙層次中。
關鍵字:眼動、語意透明度、心理辭典 The present study aims to investigate the semantic transparency of Chinese di-syllabic words whether influences the representation in mental lexicon. Two sets of experimental tasks were adopted. In the first set (experiment 1 and 2), the target words were varied in terms of semantic transparency, character frequency and word frequency. Subjects were asked to deicide whether the target word presented is a word or not. A two-way ANOVA indicated main effects for semantic transparency that idiomatic words were responded faster than compositional words, for word frequency that high frequency words were responded faster than low frequency words. There were also significant interactions between character frequency and semantic transparency. In the compositional condition, the results clearly showed a significant character frequency effect, but in the idiomatic condition, the results showed no character frequency effect. In the second set (experiment 3 and 4), eye movements of subjects were monitored as they read sentences containing target words that varied on terms of semantic transparency, character frequency and word frequency. There were significant semantic transparency effect and word frequency effect in the fixation duration measures. Except the first fixation duration, there was no character frequency effect with idiomatic words in other measures. The results showed a significant character frequency effect with compositional words in the first fixation duration (FFD) and total viewing duration(TVD), and showed a marginal significant character frequency effect in other first pass measures. The present study proposed a model of mental lexicon based on the Interactive-activation Model (Taft & Zhu, 1995). In our model, the compositional words have morpheme and whole word representation, and the idiomatic words are processed as single units, have whole word representation but no morpheme representation.
Key words:eye movement、semantic transparency、mental lexicon |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學研究所 91752003 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0917520031 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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