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    Title: 年輕成人與老年人之資源流失、控制策略使用對其憂鬱之影響
    Authors: 劉僥斐
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Keywords: 資源流失
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 13:18:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究在探討年輕成人與老年人之資源流失、控制策略使用對於憂鬱情緒之影響;主要希望了解資源流失對憂鬱具有直接之影響性,或者需透過控制策略間接影響憂鬱;同時,透過年輕成人與老年人之比較,了解各種資源流失的影響途徑以及各種控制策略對憂鬱的影響是否會受到個體所處發展階段的影響。
    一、 物質資源流失不論在年輕成人或老年人,對於憂鬱均不具顯著預測力。
    二、 在年輕成人組,家庭支持資源流失對憂鬱具最強的預測力,且透過直接的路徑影響憂鬱;能量資源流失則透過積極因應策略間接影響憂鬱,即能量資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應的策略,而增加了個人的憂鬱程度。
    三、 在老人組,家庭支持資源流失會透過直接與間接兩種路徑影響憂鬱,即家庭支持資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應與降低要求兩種策略,進而影響個人的憂鬱程度;能量資源流失則是對憂鬱具直接的預測力。
    四、 在控制策略對憂鬱的影響部分,積極因應策略不論在年輕成人與老人組均對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,使用越多積極因應策略則憂鬱程度越低;但降低要求策略僅在老人組才對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,且使用越多降低要求策略的老年人,憂鬱程度越高。

    The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the influence of lost resources and control strategies for depression in young adult and old adult. Furthermore, to explore that the relation between lost resources and depression was direct or mediated by control strategies. (2) to find out whether the way that different kinds of lost resources and control strategies influence depression will be varied from different developmental stages or not.

    Subjects of 260 Adults in Taiwan (132 young adults and 128 old adults) were evaluated by the instruments, including resources evaluation scale, control strategy scale, and Beck Depression Items (BDI). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and path analysis.

    The main findings were as follows:
    1. Losses of material resources could not predict depression in both age groups.
    2. In young adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly; but the relation between energy resources and depression was mediated by active coping strategy, which means the more energy resources lose, the less active coping strategies were used, and the more depression were reported.
    3. In old adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly and indirectly, which means the more family support resources lose, the less active coping and lowering aspiration strategies were used, and the more depression were reported.
    4. As to the relation between control strategies and depression, active coping strategies could predict depression in both age groups, which means the subjects using more active coping strategies had less depression. Lowering aspiration strategies could predict depression only in old adults. In other words, the old adults using more lowering aspiration strategies had more depression.

    According to the findings, some suggestions for the mental health of young adults and old adults, as well as for further study were provided.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0907520101
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