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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/32506
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    Title: 視覺意識中的線性與非線性功能連結
    Linear and Nonlinear Functional Connectivity
    Authors: 李宏偉
    Contributors: 黃淑麗
    Keywords: 視覺意識
    visual awareness
    functional connectivity
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 13:17:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 意識的議題古老而難解,但是近年來認知神經科學領域對此議題的探討已經熱烈展開,本研究之主要目的即在探索視覺意識與大腦功能性連結之間的關係。
    Consciousness is an ancient and puzzling mystery. Until recently, scientists have made little significant progress on it. This study is aimed to search for the neural correlates of visual awareness.<br>Based on empirical data from an experiment of face perception, this study explores linear vs. nonlinear and local vs. global human EEG indexes of visual awareness. The results indicate that neither linear local index, i.e. γ-band power, nor linear global index, i.e. γ-band phase coherence, can reveal the participant’s state of awareness validly. However, nonlinear local index, i.e. correlation dimension of attractor, can be a valid index of visual awareness, but only on specific channels. Last but not least, nonlinear global index, i.e. generalized synchrony, can be the most valid and efficient index of visual awareness.<br>In addition to the empirical findings listed above, this study, an interdisciplinary combination of cognitive neuroscience, chaos theory, wavelet transform and small-world theory, also presents numerous theoretical discussions and modifications to other related studies logically or methodologically.
    Reference: 李宏偉(民96 a)。非線性動力系統理論與心理學(一):概念與邏輯。玄奘社會科學學報,出版中。
    李宏偉(民96 b)。非線性動力系統理論與心理學(二):分析與驗證。玄奘社會科學學報,出版中。
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0897525031
    Data Type: thesis
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