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    Title: 女性求職者照片外觀性別與工作典型性別一致性及照片微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響
    Congruence between female applicants` photo facial appearance and the job type and smiling in the photo on recruiting decisions.
    Authors: 陳子瑜
    Contributors: 陳彰儀

    Keywords: 性別角色一致
    sex role congruence
    demands–abilities fit
    photo facial appearance
    gender stereotype
    recruiting decision
    applicant’s photo
    hiring recommendation
    sex role attitude
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 13:15:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討女性求職者其履歷表照片外觀性別與應徵工作的典型性別間一致性與否與微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響;此外,並探討前述關係之中介機制及調節效果;亦即前述兩類效果是否透過影響招募者對求職者工作能力契合度、外向性或吸引力的知覺,進而影響招募者的人事決策,而招募者性別角色態度是否調節前述之性別一致性效果。<br>本研究使用實驗法,採2(女性求職者照片微笑:有或無)×2(女性求職者外觀性別與工作性別間一致性程度:高或低)完全受試者間實驗設計。依變項則為推薦意願之人事決策。以在職者為樣本,共有214位受試者參與,隨機分派受試者至四種實驗情境之一,在閱讀職缺訊息及履歷表後,回答對求職者知覺、人事決策及人口統計變項等問題。去除操弄失敗的樣本後,本研究分析之有效樣本為141人。<br>本研究以階層迴歸分析來檢驗所有研究假設。研究結果顯示,求職者微笑有無對推薦意願之主要效果達顯著,且招募者對求職者之外向性與外表吸引力知覺會中介此效果;但「外觀性別與工作性別間一致性」的主要效果並未達顯著。此外,招募者之家庭外角色態度具有顯著調節效果,但性別刻板印象之調節效果不存在。研究者並針對本研究之研究結果、理論與實務意涵加以討論。
    In the present study, the researcher examined whether the congruence between female applicants` photo facial appearance and the job type and whether female applicants showed smile in the photo affected recruiters` hiring recommendation. Additionally, mediators and moderators of the above relationships were also examined. Specifically, the researcher examined whether recruiters` perceptions of applicant’s demands-abilities fit, extraversion, and facial attractiveness mediated the above relationship and whether recruiters` sex role attitudes moderated the above relationship.<br>This study used a 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial experimental design. The two independent variables were whether female applicants showed smile in the photo (smile or non-smile) and the congruence between female applicants` photo facial appearance and the job type (high or low). The dependent variable was hiring recommendation. Two hundred and fourteen current incumbents participated in this study. After reading a fictitious job description and a fictitious resume, participants answered questions about the perceptions of the applicant, hiring recommendation, and participants’ demographic informaiton. After dropping participants who failed to pass the manipulation check, the valid sample size for analysis was 141.<br>Results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that the main effect of applicants` photo smile on hiring recommendation was significant, and the recruiter` perceptions of applicant`s extraversion and facial attractiveness were mediators of the aforementioned relationship. However, recruiters` hiring recommendation was not influenced by congruence between female applicants` photo facial appearance and the job type. In addition, recruiters` attitudes toward extra-familial roles moderated the relationship between congruence between female applicants` photo facial appearance and the job type and demands-abilities fit. However, the moderation of recruiters’ gender stereotype was not significant. Finally, practical implications and avenues for future research in selection biases are discussed.
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