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    Title: 休閒心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康之關係探討
    Authors: 郭肇元
    Contributors: 鍾思嘉
    Keywords: 休閒
    flow experience
    leisure experience
    mental-physical health
    the pattern of flow experience in leisure
    active leisure
    passive leisure
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 13:12:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 幸福、快樂的人生,自古以來是人類所努力追求的目標,心流經驗(flow experience)以內在動機為基礎,闡述了透過心流經驗的正向感受,提升個體自我成長與生活品質的途徑。本研究主要目的以心流理論為架構,來探討休閒中之心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康間的關係,並進一步瞭解不同休閒活動種類間的差異。



    This study revised the flow state scale(Jackson & Marsh, 1996) and the description of the quality of experience(Csikszentmihalyi & LeFevre, 1989) as the scale of flow experience in leisure and leisure experience questionnaire, respectively, to understand the relationship of flow experience, leisure experience and mental-physical health in 541 adult workers from different organizations in Taiwan. Results showed that significant positive associations between flow experience and leisure experience, flow experience and mental-physical health, also, leisure experience and mental-physical health. The patterns of flow experience in leisure are found something different on leisure experience and mental- physical health. The congruence/good pattern is significantly better than congruence/poor pattern on leisure experience and mental-physical health; and the congruence/good pattern is also significantly better than over- estimate pattern on leisure experience. Nevertheless, the congruence/good pattern is significantly worse than over-estimate and congruence/poor patterns on harmful coping behaviors subscale.

    In addition, results also presented that those who are categorized into the congruence/good flow pattern tend to choose active leisure(eg., outdoor activities, physical activities, hobbies, and mental activities); reversely, those who are categorized into the congruence/poor pattern tend to choose passive leisure(eg., television-viewing and shopping). Moreover, those choosing active leisure are better than those choosing passive leisure on flow experience and leisure experience.
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