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Title: | 資產管理公司購買不良資產最適評價系統建立之研究 |
Authors: | 高啟原 |
Contributors: | 林秋瑾 高啟原 |
Keywords: | 資產管理公司 不良資產 評價系統 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 13:53:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究希望了解資產管理公司在評估不良資產價格的過程,並探討購買不良資產應考慮的因素,最後則希望透過評價系統的建立,考量不同的評價因子,評估最適購買價格。
三、在評價系統當中,選取最適估值後,需經由現金流量之折現計算,以獲得最後評估計算的價格,期間是最重要計算停損點的因素,本研究實證所選取的最適模型亦即市場可處分估值模型,其可未來預估可處分的金額較高及預估可處分期間較短,可達到資產管理公司要求。 This study set up the process of assessing the price of the non-performing assets of Asset Management Company, forthmore, buying factors of the non-performing assets should be considered. The best fitted price-model is searched in the price-appraisal system of the non-performing assets.
Our study is with references reviewed and empirical analyzed on house-type non-performing assets; the conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. Evaluation the choice of assessment factors and Establishment the price-appraisal system
(1) Evaluation the choice of assessment factors in thr data system
After reviewing the references, AMC buy the NPL considered the assessment factors can be divided into as follows : The basic characters ( include location, building age, building structure, the total floor of building, parking lot, building area, building type - the mansion, apartment, land area, holding land area, land previous transferring current value or price, land current value or price), AMC’s related data such as asset price (trust appraiser, real estate of outside, assess by property Management company market can punish valuation (Market sold-Value, MV), estimate law can punish valuation to make in advance (Auction-Value, AV), estimate non-performing assets can punish valuation in advance (estimated Sold-Value, SV), cost data( transaction cost, holding cost), the court auctions related data ( bidding times, loaning duration, the 1st order mortgage amount of money, the last time court valuation, court valuation duration), strategy related data etc..
(2) Establishment the price-appraisal system
a. Different markets and strategies to set up the price-appraisal system of the buying non-performing assets and analyze the price differential
There exist the differences in the general appraisal way and Asset Management Company. Different strategies with distinguished-market can punish for market valuation, law is it can punish valuation model and non-performing assets can punish the valuation model to make, price differential can show between MV and AV markets, but no big difference among others( AV-SV or SV-MV).
b. Different markets and strategies to choice assessment factors in the price-appraisal system of the buying non-performing assets
We have two stages in this study: The first stage is the choice of markets randomly, we using the HEKIT model with selection bias adjustment. It is found the price difference is reducing, but the IMR (selection bias adjustment indication) is nonsignificent. Alternatively we chose the markets among.
c. The best fitted price-appraisal model choice in price-appraisal system
In order to choose the best fitted appraisal model, this study chose the among markets as the predicted model. With and without the different strategies the MV model win the assess ratio average 0.98 is most close to 1 and the coefficient of variation is 10.07% under 25 % of CV standard.
2. Through the price-appraisal system, the best fitted choice of market sold-valuation shown the bank or AMC’s value of non-performing assets reach lofty peak under the AMC’s open competitive bidding mechanism.
3. In the price-appraisal system, the best fitted choice of market sold-valuation, need to calculate via the discounting of cash flow, to gain the final assets price; however the duration is the most important factor for loss-stop point. The best fitted choice of market sold-valuation can gain the higher sold-money and shorter sold-duration time that can be punished in advance in the future. That choice can reach the Asset Management Company requirement and loss-stop point. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 93923017 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093923017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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