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    Title: 論耶穌電影與反猶主義之文化衝突意涵:以《受難記:最後的激情》為例
    Authors: 張世強
    Chang, Shih-Chiang
    Contributors: 王孟平

    Chang, Shih-Chiang
    Keywords: 反猶主義
    Jesus Movie
    Mel Gibson
    The Passion of the Christ
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 13:49:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文企圖透過有史以來最受爭議的電影《受難記:最後的激情》(2004),探究「耶穌電影」與「反猶主義」之間的複雜關係。《受難記:最後的激情》是一部由著名演員梅爾吉伯遜所自行出資、製作與編導的典型「耶穌電影」,本片憑藉著鮮明寫實的銀幕形象與極度暴力的詮釋風格,在美國社會掀起前所未有的文化論戰與「反猶主義」爭議熱潮;儘管「耶穌類型」電影經常流露「反猶主義」傾向,唯本片卻是其中一個非常顯著而特殊的例子。
    This dissertation proposes a discussion about the relationship between the Jesus film genre and anti-Semitism by exploring Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ (2004), which has been ranked as “the most controversial movie of all time”. The release of The Passion of the Christ has triggered an unprecedented controversy over anti-Semitism in the America. Individual and critical responses to the film have ranged from those who charge the director with pornographic violence or reviving anti-Semitism to others who found Gibson’s portrayal of Jesus to be profoundly moving and spiritually uplifting. Although Gibson claimed that The Passion of the Christ was faithful to the gospels and the gospels were faithful to history, there were still plenty of historical problems and non-biblical material, such as the stations of the cross, passion play and mysticism of the Middle Ages, seamlessly woven into the film narrative. After addressing problems inherent in The Passion of the Christ, this dissertation lies with an inquiry into the demonized narrative and anti-Semitic material behind the silver screen, viewed from a Christological perspective, and with the surrounding communal, denominational and commercial disputes which occur in the course of film production, distribution and exhibition.
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