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Title: | 外商在中國投資區位選擇的決定因素:長三角與珠三角的比較 |
Authors: | 陳銘宏 |
Contributors: | 魏艾 陳銘宏 |
Keywords: | 長江三角洲 珠江三角洲 區位優勢 複回歸分析 Yangtze River Delta Pearl River Delta location advantage multiple regression model |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 13:48:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 目前,中國大陸最熱門的兩大經濟區域為長江三角洲與珠江三角洲,此兩地吸引眾多外商至當地投資。究竟此兩區域具有何區位優勢能吸引眾多外資,以及此兩地區的優勢有何差異,成為本論文重心所在。本論文主要探討三個主題:
以上問題運用中國統計年鑑的數據資料,以複回歸模型分析各地區的外商投資數據,以得出各項主題的結果。 Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are both the most famous economic areas in Mainland China nowadays, attracting many foreign capitals to invest. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what are the advantages in these two areas that attract foreign direct investment, and what are the differences between them. Three subjects are discussed in the present study. First, how did the location advantages rise and fall between Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, thus now there are more foreign investment enterprises located in Yangtze River Delta than in Pearl River Delta since the beginning of China’s ‘Open Door’ Policy. Second, what are the location advantages in these two areas that attract so many foreign investment enterprises to locate in these two areas. Third, what are the unique location advantages in these two areas compared with the average level of Mainland China, so that many foreign investment enterprises pay especially high attention to this two areas. Data of Statistical Yearbook of China are used in the present study, and multiple regression model is adopted to analyze the data in order to obtain the results. |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0912610062 |
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