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    Title: 後冷戰時期中共對美政策之研究(1991-2001)
    Authors: 胡喬治
    Hu, George
    Contributors: 蘇起
    Su, Chi
    Hu, George
    Keywords: 中共外交
    Chinese Foreign Policy
    Big-Power Diplomacy
    constructive strategic partnership
    enlargement and engagement
    strategic ambiguity
    Date: 2001
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 13:17:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   崛起中的中國大陸,對國際政治、經濟秩序而言,是一個日趨重要的影響因素。尤其是對美外交為中共對外政策之主軸,其重要性實不言可喻,深具研究價值。

    China, as a rising power, is a factor with growing impact that affects international politics and economic order. Being at the core of its foreign policy, China’s US policy is of great importance and worth a close look.

    By examining China’s foreign policy regarding the US, we can find that China shapes the orientation and content of its US policy in accordance with changes in domestic and international circumstances and in US-China interactions. Therefore, by studying China’s US policy systematically, we can further understand its policy reasoning and course of implementation, analyze correctly the influential factors, and hence obtain a clear view of the context of its policy forming.

    Therefore, the purposes of the article are:

    1.To elucidate influences upon China’s foreign policy, including macroscopic aspects such as domestic and international circumstances that caused China’s adjustment in the theory and principles of its foreign policy, and variations in policy-making mechanism and the extent of involvement, along with microscopic aspects such as the impact from policy makers. This is to look into the content of China’s foreign policy in order to acquire a clear picture of its development.

    2.Via examining the interactions between China and the US, to analyze the China-US relation from aspects of politics, economy, military and Taiwan affairs. This is to find out the course of development and characteristics of China’s US policy.

    3.With links between China and Taiwan growing stronger and scope and fields of collaboration increasing, to anticipate the possible development in cross-strait relations by studying patterns of bilateral interactions.

    4.With the “Taiwan Issue” being of growing impact upon bilateral relations, the China-US relations can be serious challenged by the issue, and is therefore worth a close investigation.

    By exploring the above issues, the article catalogues possible factors that will affect China-US relations, observes the potential continuity and alteration of the policy, and finally concludes with a prospect of future China-US relations.
    Reference: 壹、 中文部分
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0082252505
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