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    Title: 瑞典積極勞動市場政策之研究
    The study on Swedish active labour market policies
    Authors: 謝嘉文
    Hsieh, Chia-Wen
    Contributors: 張其恆
    Hsieh, Chia-Wen
    Keywords: 積極勞動市場政策
    Active labour market policies
    Swedish model
    European Employment Stragety
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 13:13:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 瑞典是世界上最早開始實施積極勞動市場政策的國家之一,同時也是目前世界上最致力於實施積極勞動市場政策的國家之一。積極勞動市場政策在瑞典的勞動就業中佔有重要地位,並且也是瑞典勞動就業政策以及瑞典模型的一個基本特徵。瑞典積極勞動市場政策充分開發並利用了邊緣勞動力,提高了勞動參與率,促進了不同部門之間勞動力的合理配置,但其高昂的支出也加重了財政負擔,減少了正規就業。
    Sweden is one of the countries in the world coming into force an active labour market policy at the earliest stage, and one of the countries with policy efforts which currently commits to carry out an active labor market policy. The active labor market policy takes an important position in Sweden labour market , and a main characteristic of Sweden labour market policies and Swedish Model. It develops and makes good use of the marginal labour force , improves the labour force participation rate , and promotes the rational allocation of labour between different departments. But its high expenditure adds to the financial burden , and reduces the formal employment .
    In words, an active labour market policy has been a trademark of Swedish economic policies. Specific institutional features which go way back to the 1930s help to explain why Sweden have been so relatively successful in recent years in combining high welfare with economic growth and high employment levels. A commitment to full employment and to an open economy brought about a proactive attitude towards structural change, aiming at protecting employment. The institutional framework behind is strong social partners. Even though globalization puts additional pressure on the system and demands ever more skilful political and economic governance, most recent experiences suggest that the model might be sustainable.
    To promote the employment, Swedish and Taiwan take some similar policy measures. Although there are a number of similarities, including the emphasis on active labour market measures, the importance of direct employment creation, vocational training and wage subsidies for large investment funds, there are still the followings worthwhile for our country to learn as an advice from others may help one’s defects.Therefore, this study makes the following recommendations:(a)there is a certain relevance between employability and the type of programmes. We need to assist participants to choose and participate in appropriate programmes to promote employment;(b)to pay attention to the promotion measures to reduce the crowding out among programs; make programs synergistic;(c)to adjust the contents of the labor market measures to reduce the scale of direct employment creation;(d)to take some employment measures according to differnt economic situation to promote employment and establish the long-term database of the programme participants to track and facilitate the assessment and policy guidance; (e)to amend the tax system to promote work incentives.
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