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    题名: 連鎖加盟業教育訓練實施及其成效之研究
    The Analysis on education and training performance Of chain franchise business.
    作者: 陳怡潔
    Chen, I Chieh
    贡献者: 成之約
    Chen, I Chieh
    关键词: 連鎖加盟
    日期: 2008
    上传时间: 2009-09-14 13:12:28 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著國際間面臨的經濟轉型及全球化競爭,台灣的經濟產業結構也隨之改變,未來商業與服務業將是國家重要的經濟發展方向。連鎖加盟業更是台灣從農業、加工出口業邁向以服務業為主的潮流重心。本次研究之目的在於(一)了解台灣連鎖加盟業之現況。(二)了解台灣連鎖加盟業中教育訓練當前之發展特性及其成效。(三)分析不同加盟業種下之教育訓練制度現況。(四)探討台灣連鎖加盟體系中教育訓練種類、組織、方法、執行程序等與為企業帶來成效之關聯性。
    As the need of economical transformation and the global competition emerge internationally, the economical structure of Taiwan is therefore changed as well which makes the commerce and service industry become the main stream of the economical development. The goal of this research is for the followings: 1. Present situation investigation of the chain store and franchise industry in Taiwan, 2. Present features’ study of the development and the effects of educational trainings, 3. Analysis of the present scheme of the educational training, 4. Discussion on the relations among effects of educational training which evaluated under different classifications, organizations, methodologies and execution process.
    In this research, our analysis is involved in 5 major aspects, including the features of the chain store and franchise system, the integrity of the educational training organizations, the completeness of the educational training process execution, the importance and the effects of educational training. We have adopted numerous statistical methodologies such as descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation analysis and regression analysis respectively to discuss the intersect relation among these 5 aspects. Those issues studied in this research have shown relatively high positive correlation which indicates complementary relation among, for example, the integrity of the educational training organization, the completeness of the execution process, and the emphasis the companies have paid, the follow-up feedback of the employees and the overall effects the company have received. That is to say, the more concentration the system willing to dedicate to the training, the better corresponding throughput they are going to obtain.
    The purpose of the franchise system’s massive investment in educational training is in the hope of the maturity of their employees which will further benefit the company, so they will give careful evaluation to the outcome of the training. Therefore the range and the way of estimation are unlikely limited in just a few dimensions. At the end, except for being taken as the references for promotion, the evaluation of the training’s outcomes will also be combined with strategies for human resource development so as to support the company’s future decision making and thus lead to the maximal feedback to the company.
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