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Title: | 公民會議機制擴散之研究:台灣的個案分析 |
Authors: | 曾嘉怡 |
Contributors: | 黃東益 曾嘉怡 |
Keywords: | 公民會議 擴散理論 政策學習 consensus conference diffusion theory policy learning |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 13:04:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 優質化治理的追求不僅講求政府間的互動學習,亦講求學習標的的擴散。近年來政府引進公民參與理念,打破閉門造車的政策制定模式,隨著時間的發展,諸多機關開始辦理公民會議,本研究應用擴散理論分析公民會議在行政體系內部擴散的成因,並討論公民會議在台灣擴散的發展及限制。本研究針對十餘場公民會議,利用次級資料分析及深度訪談,從動機、資源、環境、效益四項因素分析過去各機關單位辦理公民會議的經驗,並探究自公民會議引進至今所遭遇之阻礙。研究結果顯示政府機關透過多種管道與社會團體、學界進行互動,取得公民會議的相關資訊,同時機關首長基於個人理念、內部業務需求、外在環境壓力等考量指示辦理公民會議,這些面向的交互作用促成台灣公民會議於行政體系內部的擴散。然而在公民會議發展歷程中,因公民會議執行過程的瑕疵、後續產出可觀察性低、政黨理念未能貫徹、體制及配套措施不足、人事更替頻繁、公民會議的工具性消失等因素阻礙公民會議的發展。本研究發現公民會議在行政體系內部的擴散乃是政策企業家的努力,其夾帶豐富的資訊資源與機關單位互動,或直接或間接地成就公民會議的發展。然而基礎體制建設的缺乏對公民會議的發展形成限制,因此未來應致力於審議民主體制建設以及強化人力資源發展。由於本研究為初探性嘗試,建議未來隨著實務發展強化擴散模型建構,並深化我國政策學習及擴散的學術累積。 Good governance emphasizes not only the interactions between governments, but diffusion of objects among governments. Recently, the government has imported the concept of citizen participation and breaks the traditional way of policy making. As time goes by, the development of citizen participation has been more mature. Many agencies have started holding consensus conferences. The thesis applies diffusion theory to analyze the reasons why consensus conferences diffused within the government and discusses its development and restriction. The study focuses on more than ten consensus conferences and uses secondary data and in-depth interview to collect research data. The author analyzes the experience of individual agency according to their motivation, resource, environment, and benefit; and the author also examines the obstacles in the development of the consensus conferences. The findings reveal that the government interacts with social groups and academic community to get information about consensus conferences. At the same time, the chiefs of the executive branches give an instruction about holding the activities based on their preferences, internal requirements, and the pressure of external environment. The interaction of these aspects makes a contribution to the diffusion of the consensus conferences within the government. However, the flaws of implementation processes, lower observability, lack of relative measures and infrastructure, frequent personnel rotation, and the disappearance of the instrumentality constrain the expanding of the ideas and operations. This research also finds that the diffusion of ideas and operations is accomplished due to the efforts invested by policy entrepreneurs; they use abundant resources and information to interact with agencies directly or indirectly promoting the development of consensus conferences. However, incomplete infrastructure constrains the expansion of consensus conferences. Therefore, this study proposes that the government should enhance infrastructure and human resource development regarding deliberative democracy. As an exploratory study, this thesis suggests the public administration field should strengthen the diffusion model and accumulate studies of policy learning and diffusion in the future. "第壹章、 緒論 .................................... 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 .......................... 1
第二節、 研究目的與問題 .......................... 7
第三節、 研究範圍 ................................ 9
第貳章、 文獻檢閱 ................................ 13
第一節、 審議民主與公民會議 ...................... 13
第二節、 擴散理論相關研究 ........................ 20
第三節、 擴散理論分析面向 ........................ 29
第參章、 研究設計 ................................ 41
第一節、 研究架構 ................................ 41
第二節、 研究方法與研究對象 ...................... 44
第肆章、 公民會議擴散分析 ........................47
第一節、 學術團隊的推廣過程 ...................... 47
第二節、 政府部門舉辦公民會議的影響因素 .......... 53
第三節、 公民會議擴散與深化 ...................... 80
第伍章、 公民會議擴散討論 ........................ 89
第一節、 公民會議發展的影響因素 .................. 89
第二節、 政策擴散模型建構 ........................ 95
第陸章、 結論與建議 .............................. 103
第一節、 結論 .................................... 103
第二節、 實務建議 ................................ 108
第三節、 研究限制與建議 .......................... 109
參考資料.......................................... 111
附錄一、台灣審議民主舉辦經驗 ..................... 117 |
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