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Title: | 銀行作業風險的監理與管理 The Supervision and Management of Banking Operational Risk |
Authors: | 陸珊珊 Luh, Shan Shan |
Contributors: | 黃仁德 Hwang, Jen Te 陸珊珊 Luh, Shan Shan |
Keywords: | 作業風險 風險管理 operational risk risk management |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:45:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 風險管理為辨識、衡量、監控、及控制風險的過程,本研究除了對於這四項作業風險管理的核心內容予以逐項探討外,另分析近年來國內外作業風險個案發生的原因,介紹巴塞爾銀行監理委員會與先進國家的作業風險監理指南,及作業風險管理實務調查報告並進行分析。
在作業風險的管理策略方面,對於無法控制或部分可控的風險,實務上可採行保險、委外、透過資本市場等方式來移轉風險,或是以緊急應變及持續營運計畫來降低作業風險所帶來的衝擊。先進國家的監理機關及銀行,無論在作業風險管理上的經驗、方法、及技術,均明顯較我國進步。由於各國的經濟金融情況不同,不同銀行間也有明顯的差異,在參考先進國家的做法時,監理機關及銀行仍應根據我國的實際情況加以調整,重點在於銀行應在成本—效益的考量下,視金融機構的營運規模、業務性質、及風險概況發展適合本身的作業風險管理制度。 Risk management is a process of indentify, assess, monitor and control/mitigate of risks. The study discuss these four core elements in operational risk management. Analysing the reason of operational risk management failure by introducing the loss events in which domestic and overseas financial institutions. Besides, in order to assist financial institutions in understanding the international trends in reinforcing operational risk management. The study introduce the papers of survey of industry practice in the management operational risk and the supervision guideline for operational risk management in the USA, the UK, Japan, and Hong Kong.
Operational risks is everywhere in the business environment. As such, they will vary significantly from organization to organization. The most important types of operational risk involve breakdowns in internal controls and corporate governance. The loss event database is the most helpful tool. In general, qualitative assessment is simpler but no use for capital allocation. The best results have been obtained in applying both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Operational risk management must have the support and involvement of senior managers. They can send the message that operational risks are important, that they deserve attention, and management will allocate resources accordingly. In addition, a separate head office operational risk function has emerged, responsible for developing the operational risk management framework, consolidating information, consulting with the business units, and monitoring the enterprise-wide effectiveness of operational risk management.
The risk management strategies execute to uncontrollable or part of controllable risks, except use risk capital to retain some amount of risk, some way for transferring risk involve hedging, insurance, outsouring, use financial derivatives to offset losses. Contingency planning aims to prevent a business disaster from occurring when a very rare event strikes the institution. It should be noted that risk profiles vary among financial institutions, indicating that the most effective method of risk management also may differ among institutions. Financial institution should endeavor to develop operational risk management system after considering its cost-benefit according to their own scale, nature, and risk profile. |
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