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Title: | 台北關稅局人員核心能力與人力資源發展之研究 Research on core competency and human resources development |
Authors: | 何慧如 |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 何慧如 |
Keywords: | 人力資源發展 核心能力 Human Resources Development Core Competency |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:42:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討台北關稅局人員核心能力與人力資源發展之研究,運用問卷調查及深入訪談方式兩種方式,研究發現如下:
透過問卷調查的方式針對台北關稅局人員進行問卷調查,共發出500份問卷,回收419份,扣除廢卷及填答不完整者17份,有效問卷為402份。並運用次數分配、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析及迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。
2. 不同官等在人力資源發展、教育與發展上達顯著差異。不同服務年資在人力資源發展上達顯著差異。不同年齡在人力資源發展及訓練上達顯著差異、不同教育程度在教育與發展上達顯著差異。
3. 人力資源發展各面向與核心能力各面向間有關聯性。
4. 教育與發展與基層、中階、高階之間有顯著的預測力。
1. 關員最需具備核心能力以「業務知能」、「溝通協調能力」、「法規知能」居前三位,可見這三種能力對關員而是最需要具備的核心能力。
2. 關員對訓練方式強化的看法:對於安排訓練課程及時間言,關員有
4. 關務人員在人力資源發展中個人生涯發展之看法:大多數受訪者認為透過工作輪調來歷練關員,幫助關員生涯發展。
最後根據研究發現,分別就機關政策面、機關人力資源發展、海關核心能力強化上三方面提出建議,提供其他機關參考。 This thesis examines the Core Competency and Human Resources Development of Taipei Customs Officers by using questionnaires and interviews. The research findings are summarized as follows:
Ⅰ.Quantitative Questionnaires Results
Out of 500 questionnaires handed out, 419 were returned, of which 17 were invalid or partially answered, resulting in a total of 402 effective surveys. We used frequency distribution, t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and regressive analysis to conduct statistical analysis.
1.Customs Officers of different job levels and seniorities displayed significant differences in Core Competency at basic level, middle level and high level. The factor of age also demonstrated significant differences in Core Competency at middle level and high level. The education levels also displayed significant differences in Core Competency at basic level, middle level and high level.
2.Customs Officers of different job levels displayed significant differences in Human Resources Development and Education aspects. Different seniorities show significant differences in Human Resources Development. Different age groups demonstrate significant differences in Human Resources Development and Training. Different education levels reveal significant differences in Education and Development.
3.All aspects of Human Resources Development have direct correlation with the aspects of Core Competency.
4.There is a significant predictability between education & development and career levels (basic, middle, and high).
II. Interviews
1.Through the interviews, we concluded that the top three qualities of Core competency are business competency, communication competency, and regulation competency. These are apparently the most valuable elements of Core competency in a custom officer.
2.On intensive training: regarding the training schedule and content areas, most officers have understandings and flexibilities of diversification according to the needs of the trainees and their areas of expertise.
3.On Human Resources Development and Education: Most custom officers hold positive attitude towards continuing education of officers as means of human resource development.
4.On career development: most officers agree that regular job rotations are beneficial to the career development of custom officers.
5.On new officer orientation enhancement and recommendation: regarding the training of new officers, the majorities agree that the most important training is to improve business expertise Core competency.
Based on the above findings, the author concluded by making recommendations for Taipei Customs based on administrative policies, human resources development, and the improvement of Core competency and thus provides references for other government agencies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921054 97 |
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