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Title: | 我國專技移民政策及制度之研究 A Study on the Taiwan’s immigration policy and system of the specialist |
Authors: | 張靜文 |
Contributors: | 黃慶堂 張靜文 |
Keywords: | 專技人才 移民 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:42:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在知識經濟時代,人才對經濟發展具有息息相關的重要性。世界各國近年來
本研究作者及指導教授參與2008 年內政部入出國及移民署委託研究計劃-
「我國專技移民及投資移民之策略研究」。採專家訪談法與焦點座談法,訪談對象與座談參與者包含產業界、學術界與政府單位。以探討目前台灣欲引進專技人才必須在制度及法規方面如何改改進,並進一步探討吸引外籍專技人才的誘因。研究結論認為台灣目前對於外籍專技人才的法律規定應再鬆綁,且應提供更積極的優惠條件,如此才能吸引更多外籍專技人才移民,以促進經濟成長的發展。 Under the Knowledge-based Economy, relents are critical resources to economic development. Furthermore, with the impact of aging population and lower birthrate,
states pay more and more attention to attract foreign specialists because of the shortage of the domestic labors. For this reason, Asian emerging countries devoted to
recruit foreign specialists. Recently, the researches of foreign specialists are more serious issues in Taiwan. In order to attract the specialist, the Ministry of Interior
scheduled the white paper on the population of policy, and revised immigration provision. This study aims to investigate the governments promote their policy for
The author participated the research project of National Immigration the Agency with her supervisor in 2008. This research used expert interview and also the qualitative method. Interviewers and seminar participants included industry representatives, scholars and officers. In addition, this study on improvement system and regulations for introducing foreign specialists, and further discussed the incentives policy to attract specialists. In conclusion, Taiwan’s policy makers must further deregulate the relevant immigration policy for foreign specialists. In addition,Taiwan government needs to provide the tax and relevant preference for introducing foreign specialists. Finally, in order to attract more foreign specialists to immigrate and to promote the economic growth, Taiwan government should provide the more preferential incentives for foreign specialists. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921034 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096921034 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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