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Title: | 理財專員業績之影響因素分析—以T銀行為例 Determinants of financial advisor` performance─evidence form T bank |
Authors: | 李啟棟 Lee, Chi Tung |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 Huang, Jr Tsung 李啟棟 Lee, Chi Tung |
Keywords: | 財富管理 理財專員 人口統計變數 工作績效 wealth management financial advisor job performance demographic variables |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:41:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 金融服務業乃一國經濟發展中重要樞紐,也是支持產業發展之經濟命脈。回顧台灣金融業近30年來的軌跡,可以說就是一部台灣經濟發展史的縮影。金融發展之於經濟成長,如同血液循環之於身體,一旦循環阻塞,健康立即出狀況。因此一旦金融機構資金中介角色不順暢,經濟成長肯定受到嚴重的打擊,同時產生不少社會問題。 2003年起,台灣各金控公司與銀行間,開始大力的拓展財富管理業務。T銀行則於2007年7月1日才正式開辦財富管理業務,在同業中是起步最晚。本研究旨就財富管理市場之經營特質,針對T銀行所屬全體理財專員,從各項人口統計變數中,探討對工作績效之影響,作為業者日後甄選理財專員、管理與培訓時建請卓參,俾利積極發展財富管理業務,超越同業,成為相關領域的巨擘。
本研究採用郵寄問卷調查法,對T銀行全體127位理財專員全面寄發,以Limdep 9.0統計軟體進行各項資料分析,並輔以實證模型分析來驗證各項假設,經研究後主要發現:
若採納研究建議,T銀行於財富管理業務上,當可獲致極大的進展。將於同業中取得優勢、營業績效蒸蒸日上,市占率將名列前矛。 The financial services industry is one of the most important sectors for the economic growth and development of a country. It also functions as the lifeline supporting the development of business and industry of a nation. The business track for the past three decades of the financial services industry indeed reflects the overall big picture of Taiwan`s economic development. Financial development to the growth of economy is just as the circulation of the blood to the body. Once the financial institutions fail the role of financial intermediaries, economic growth will undoubtedly have a grave impact resulting in a lot of social problems. Since 2003, Taiwanese financial holding companies and banks have been trying hard to develop wealth management business. T-Bank engaged in this business on July 1, 2007, which is the latest bank to start wealth management business in the industry. This study is to investigate the impact of demographic variables toward job performance, especially to the financial advisors in T-Bank, based on the operating characteristics of financial management market. The research results can provide valuable suggestions to T-Bank in terms of hiring, training and management of financial advisors, which can help to actively expand its wealth management business and make it a leading role in the industry.
Using the mailed questionnaire method, 127 copies of questionnaire had been sent out to all the financial advisers of the T-Bank. All the data were analyzed by statistical software Limped 9.0. The empirical model was then utilized to verify all the hypotheses. The major findings of this study are as follows:
There are significant differences between the work performance and the education level of the advisers, their serving area, the language they use when communicate with customers; their daily working hour and the number of VIP customers in individual account has significant positive influence to the work performance. The number of certificate each advisor possesses has significant negative influence to the work performance; conversing in Mandarin Chinese in central and southern Taiwan has significant negative influence to the work performance.
T-bank will gain tremendous progress in wealth management business if it adopts the proposed suggestions in this study. It will also have strong competitive advantages among the industry. Its business will flourish and have the top rank in market shares. |
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