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Title: | 組織文化、領導行為、工作滿足及組織承諾關係之研究—以機動保安警察替代役男為例 Organizational culture、Behavior of leadership、Job satisfaction and Organizational commitments - take mobile specialized police of area as examples. |
Authors: | 康資德 |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 康資德 |
Keywords: | 機動保安警察 替代役 組織文化 領導行為 工作滿足 組織承諾 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:41:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 機動保安警察替代役警力之規劃,不僅是我國役政史上的創舉,且為政府重大施政,基於國家、社會整體安全、治安環境及國民兵役義務公平考量外,同時在「不影響兵員補充、不降低兵員素質、不違背兵役公平」原則下進行規劃,將我國國軍,因執行「精實案」所釋出兵員及不適服常備兵體位,又未達免役條件標準役男,作「公平、合理」之分配,藉以提昇政府公共服務能力,以達成機動保安警察替代役男支援協助地方警察機關防處群眾事件及緊急災害搶救任務。
三、檢討擴大機動保安警察役服務的層面。 The scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police force is not only an initiative in our national history of military service but also a significant governmental policy. For security of the entire society, the environment of public security, and justice of the national compulsory military service, the scheme is proceeding under the principles of “not affecting manpower supplement, not decreasing manpower quality, not violating justice of military service”. Selected from the national armies, those who are liberated according to the lean solution and who neither fit physically for the standing army nor reach the standard of exemption from military service are “fairly and legitimately” allotted in order to further the public service of the government. The mission of the draftees in their substitute military service as mobile specialized police is to aid the regional police with public affairs and emergency rescue.
Certainly the principal work of the police and their duties may change with the national conditions and the societal demands. What has never changed, however, is their work attitude and spirit of defending the enforcement of the law and of giving service to the people. Grounded on the variables of the draftees’ personal attributes, the research probes into their relations to organizational culture, leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the effects upon them. The research seeks concrete proposals for the administrative institution of mobile specialized police and hopes to solve relative problems of military service as police, making the draftees an aid to the police institution instead of a burden. Undoubtedly the scheme of substitute military service as mobile specialized police will, through continuous improvement and development, perform its function and efficacy and make contributions to the society. Here are the proposals from the research:
1.To cultivate innovative organizational culture and moral leadership and to enhance the draftees’ sense of belonging.
2.To upgrade the qualifications for military service as police.
3.To survey increasing service categories of military service as mobile specialized police. |
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