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    Title: 第三部門使用公用頻道之探究—以臺北市公用頻道為例
    On the use of public access channel of the third sector:A Case study of Taipei PAC3
    Authors: 沈永華
    Contributors: 江明修
    Keywords: 第三部門
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 12:40:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 二○○四年十二月十三日我國政府發佈的有線電視頻道規劃與管理規則中,明白指定各有線電視的第三頻道為公用頻道,落實社區民眾的「媒體接近使用權」;其積極目的在保障言論自由,落實民眾擁有表達意見之管道,促進社會多元發展。

    The Cable Television Channel Planning and Management Regulations, which was promulgated on December 13 in 2004, indicate clearly that each cable station’s third channel is “the public access channel” for communities to have “access to media”.Its major purposes are to protect the freedom of speech, to ensure citizens having channels to express their opinions, and to facilitate diverse social developments.
    Regarding the operation of public access channels at present, however, many problems remain in the implementation of public access channels` media access. Compared with the operation in advanced countries, planning by government departments or industry organizations is not conducive to public access channels` development. Since public access channels are non-profit organizations, planning by the third sector organizations has advantages both for the practice of community people’s media access and the provision of better service for the public good. Therefore, this thesis holds that, compared with planning by government departments and system operators, third-sector-organization-planning public access channels are more reasonable.
    According to the motive of this study mentioned above, it chooses the public access channel 3 of the local cable stations in Taipei city as study objects. There were three purposes of this study: to understand the current situation of public access channels operated by the third sector, the difficulties of public access channels operated by the third sector, and how the third sector uses public access channels.
    From the problems mentioned above, this paper discusses the third sector in Taipei using public access channels as the specific case study, and explore the open issue on "how the third sector uses public access channels" by means of document analysis and modified Delphi methods through the consistency of views by experts.
    In the present situation, the Taipei public access channels organized and planned by the third sector have achieved certain achievements. Firstly, the satisfaction of public access channels has improved, and the application has increased year by year. Secondly, the source of programs has diversified increasingly and the quality of programs has improved gradually. Thirdly, government departments have given policy support for the propaganda, and so on. However, for the status quo, there are still many difficulties for the third sector to use public access channels in the aspects of legal policies, the provision of resources, the development of business, as well as cross-sector governance.
    On the premise of the status quo and the difficulties of Taipei public access channels, this paper explores how the third sector uses public access channels from the results of the questionnaire by modified Delphi method repeated three times and the construction of four aspects--legal policies, the provision of resources, the development of business, cross-sector governance, and the 47 indicators derived from the four aspects.
    1、 Legal policies:
    A good legal environment for NPO and the laws relating to public access channels should be constructed.
    2、 Provision of resources:
    Resource supply from government departments and system operators are needed. For particular need the government departments should promote public access channels vigorously and provide adequate financial support.
    3、 Development of business:
    People’s media access should be better implemented, programming content enhanced, and public access channel operation center established.
    4、 Cross-sector governance:
    The focus should be the third sector`s organizational planning, the collaboration among third sector, government departments and cable television system operators. According to the survey questionnaire results, the most important thing is the collaboration between the third sector and government departments.
    Finally, this paper makes recommendations of the legislation and practical operation in the use of public access channels for the third sector, expecting to provide reference for the third sector, government departments and cable television system operators.
    Keywords:public access channel ,the third sector ,organizational planning
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