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Title: | 股權結構對股價之影響─以台灣TFT-LCD產業為例 The Influence of Ownership Structure on Stock Price:An Evidence from the TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan |
Authors: | 范惠緣 Fan, Hueu Yuan |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 Huang, Jr Tsung 范惠緣 Fan, Hueu Yuan |
Keywords: | 股權結構 股價 資訊不對稱 固定效果模型 Ownership Structure Stock Price Information Asymmetry Fixed Effect Model |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:39:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著所有權與經營權日益分離因而引發代理問題,由於所有者與經營者之間存在著資訊不對稱(Information Asymmetry),而引發監督等代理成本。本研究探討股權結構與公司價值之間的關係,究竟是支持「利益收斂假說」或是「利益衝突假說」,並探討公司內部人、機構法人是否能發揮監督功效,而提升公司價值,反應在股價是否為正向關係。而公司內部人若能適當監督產生正面效益,能使公司價值提升。機構法人為理性投資者,由於有專業團隊蒐集資訊進行投資分析,因此機構法人持股比例的高低具參考價值,對於公司股價具有影響力,故機構法人持股可視為另一股監督力量。
本研究採用2001年至2007年台灣TFT-LCD產業的追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型,以股價為公司價值之代理變數,並將股權結構視為其他資訊之代理變數,來探討股權結構對於股價是否具有顯著解釋力。根據實證結果顯示,機構投資持股與公司價值呈顯著且正向關係,結果支持「效率監督假說」。其次,內部人持股比例對股價的造成的影響呈顯著且正向關係,研究結果與「利益收斂假說」吻合。並發現投信持股比例雖低,但其對股價的影響力較外資及內部人來的大。 The increasing demand for the separation of ownership and management control has led to concerns on agency problems. The existence of information asymmetry between the owner and the management team has resulted in various agency costs, including supervision-related expenses, etc. In this dissertation, we try to study the relationship between ownership structure and corporate value, so as to determine whether the Convergence of interest Hypothesis or the Conflict of interest Hypothesis should be supported. We also try to probe whether the insiders of a company or the institutional investors are able to fully play their supervisory roles to increase the value of the company, and whether these roles have positive correlation with the company’s stock price. The supervisory functions of a company’s insiders, when properly fulfilled, will create positive effects and increase the value of the company. Being rational investors, institutional investors collect information and conduct investment analysis through a professional team. The shareholding by institutional investors, therefore, is indicative and influential to the company’s stock price. Institutional investors are reckoned as another force of supervision.
In this research, we used the panel data of the TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan over the period of 2001 to 2007, supported by the fixed effect model. Stock prices are used as the proxy variables of the corporate value, and ownership structure is reckoned as the proxy variable for other information. The analysis is used to determine whether ownership structure has significant interpretation effect on the stock price. The empirical research results show that the shareholding by institutional investors has a significant and positive
correlation with the corporate value, which supports the Efficient Monitoring Hypothesis. Further, the ratio of insiders’ shareholding also has significant and positive influence on the stock price. The research results therefore agree with the Convergence of Interest Hypothesis. It was also found that, whilst the ratio of shareholding by the SITE industry is relatively lower, its influence on stock price is greater than the institutional investors and insiders. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 95921029 96 |
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