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    Title: 金融控股公司年報資訊透明度決定因素之研究
    Determinants of the Information Transparency of Financial Holding Companies` Annual Report in Taiwan
    Contributors: 黃智聰
    Huang,Jr Tsung
    Yu,Hwei Chung
    Keywords: 金融控股公司
    financial holding company
    information transparency
    annual report
    Abstract: 近年來國際間財報不實的醜聞時有所聞,使得投資人及社會大眾對公開資訊的正確性高度缺乏信任。無獨有偶,台灣地區的企業也因資訊不透明而使得投資人對企業財務報表之數字能否代表實際經營成果也產生懷疑,某些企業甚至隱瞞財報問題而導致投資人虧損,因此各界要求企業真實揭露經營狀況之呼籲不絶於耳,對公司治理及會計規範的探究也日益熱烈,資訊透明度的議題於是在國內、外均成為眾人高度關注的焦點。
    Financial reporting and information disclosure are important means for financial institutions to communicate their performances to investors. However, a series of accounting frauds shook public confidence in the reliability of financial statements. In response, people began to ask enterprises to disclose information truly and to enhance corporate governance and accounting controls.
    Everyone knows financial institutions play key roles in economic activities. Once failure, financial institutions will tend to cause system crisis easily. To prevent such failure from occurring and to disclose information of financial institutions to public are the responsibilities of supervisory authority.
    The purpose of this study are as follows:(1)to understand the status quo of annual reporting transparency in Taiwanese Financial Holding Companies.(2)to investigate the decisive factors that influence the annual reporting transparency.(3)to provide policy implications to the Financial Supervisory Commission on the amendments in Company Act and Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for Financial Holding Companies.
    This study uses the fixed-effect model with a panel data of Taiwanese Financial Holding Companies for the period of 2002-2006.Using Securities and Futures Institute’s “Information Disclosure and Transparency Ranking System’s Index” as a measure of transparency, we find that the information transparency across firms varies significantly and that the financial holding companies that have higher ranking in disclosure tend to be smaller in terms of total assets, have lower institutional ownership and higher managerial ownership. This study also shows that the transparency in Taiwanese financial holding companies disclosure has gradually improved in recent years.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095921027
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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