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Title: | 「精進案」後國軍醫療人員任職進用之研究~以國軍醫學中心為例 Research on the Recruitment and Employment of Military Medical Officers after the Armed Forces Streamlining Program: A Case Study of the Armed Forces Medicical Center |
Authors: | 徐常渭 |
Contributors: | 孫本初 徐常渭 |
Keywords: | 精進案 個人特徵 進用管理 工作滿意 留職意願 the Armed Forces Streamlining Program personal characteristics promotion program job satisfaction remain on job |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:38:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國防部「精進案」政策執行後對國軍醫院醫療人員任職進用的影響甚大,其中以組織成員對進用管理、工作滿意及留職意願為主要關鍵,然而很少有研究者探討國軍醫院中進用管理與醫療人員工作滿意及留職意願間之關聯性。本研究之目的及在探討國軍醫學中心在「精進案」組織變革後,將醫療人員的進用管理、工作滿意及留職意願間之關聯性,透過問卷統計分析方式,歸納出以下的結論:
七、建立學習型組織與氣氛,持續醫療人員職涯輔導。 After the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, heavily depends on military medical officers which recommends for recruitment and employment, organizes the member to recommend for employment the management, satisfaction and remain on jobs rate as well. However, only little research had conducted to study the linkage of promotion program between people satisfaction and remain on job rate for the people who works at the military medical hospitals. The objective of this research focused on the promotion program, people satisfaction and remain on job rate after the process of the organization transformation through questionnaire and analysis. The results were summarized as follows:
1.The promotion and management program were accepted and maintain high satisfaction rate by the employee of the Armed Forces Medicical Center after the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, the employee have higher willing to remain their job at Armed Forces Medicical Center.
2.The new promotion program was more acceptable for the elder, high educated, manager level, people who worked for major departments and senior staff.
3.Male, elder, high educated, manager level, people who worked for major departments and senior staff were more satisfied for their job.
4.Married, high educated, manager level, senior staff were more like to remain at Armed Forces Medicical Center.
5.Employee more satisfied their jobs and work as a team, due to increase the acceptance of the promotion program, through enhance employee`s relationship, integrates work and daily life and with enthusiasm for self-accomplishment.
6.After the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, got very positive results in promotion program acceptance, relationship build-up, integrates work and daily life, self-accomplish and remain on job.
According to the above study results, some suggestions were proposed as below for the promotion program execution:
1.Establish clear mission and vision, let the employee who worked for Armed Forces Medicical Center fully understand.
2.Revise the management guidance for military medical doctors, harmonize HR (human resource), education manage system and related departments.
3.Enhance the participation of HR policy.
4.Properly using multiple reward and bonus programs.
5.Revise the bonus payment scheme, perform a fixed ratio of “flexible bonus”.
6.Improve the professional image and self-accomplishment of employee.
7.Build up the learning style organization and team spirit. Continue the career development program for employee. |
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