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    Title: 轉換型領導對行政績效影響之研究:以臺北市區公所為例
    The Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Administrative Performance : A Case Study of the District Office of the Taipei City
    Authors: 高秋鳳
    Contributors: 孫本初
    Keywords: 轉換型領導
    transformational leadership
    administrative performance
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 12:34:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討區公所的公務人員對直屬長官實施轉換型領導時的評價之差異性、對行政績效上的評價之差異情形,及探討轉換型領導與行政績效間之關係。
    本研究之實證調查部份,採用問卷調查法,以台北市各區公所的公務人員為研究範圍,針對12行政區公所採分層比例隨機抽樣法,以55%之比例為抽樣基準,總計抽取795份樣本進行施測,取得回收有效問卷714份。研究問卷內容包含員工個人基本資料、轉換型領導量表及行政績效量表。問卷調查資料運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 10.0版,以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、及Person積差相關係數等統計分析方法進行資料處理。

    Using the civil servants in the twelve district offices of Taipei City as a sample space, this study aims to probe their evaluations for transformational leadership and the administrative performance. Also, it investigates the relations between the transformational leadership and the administrative
    performance of the civil servants.
    This study uses questionnaire survey as the research method. Research samples come from the civil servants in the district offices of Taipei City. The samples are selected by stratified random sampling method. 55 percent of the personnel from each sampled department form the sample space. 714 out of 795 distributed samples are successfully returned. The questions in the questionnaire include personal information and the quantifiable measurements for both the transformational leadership and the administrative performance. Obtained data are then processed with SPSS for Windows 10.0. The performed processes include the analysis of Descriptive Statistics Analysis, the t-Test, the
    One-Way ANOVA and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation .
    After the empirical analysis, we have come to the conclusions as below:
    1. On the mean ratio of transformational leadership facet, the idealized influence wins the highest points (71.02%) , with the individualized consideration seconds to it (68.16%), followed by the transactional leadership
    (68.10%), and the intellectual stimulation (68.03%).
    2. On the mean ratio of administrative performance facet, the organization goal achievement comes on top with 82.67%, with the organization effectiveness resource using seconds to it (81.76%), followed by the service quality of
    employee (80.53%) and the leadership satisfaction (69.70%).
    3. The responses of employee on the transformational leadership differ significantly according to their ages, departments, serving years in the current organization, positions (manager or non-manager, scale of positions),
    and whether have served in private business or not, classified in agency.
    4. The administrative performance also differs significantly due to their ages, departments, serving years in the current organization, positions (manager or non-manager, scale of positions), whether have served in private business
    or not, classified in agency and the total serving years.
    5. In general, the transformational leadership and the administrative
    performance are positively related.

    With this study, the author intends to come up with a result that provides
    some help to the related researches in the future.

    Keyword:transformational leadership , administrative performance
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    民87 行政學,臺北:三民書局股份有限公司。
    民85 國民小學校長教學領導與學校效能之研究,國立新竹師範學院國民教育研究所碩士論文。
    民85 國小校長轉化、互易領導影響學校組織文化特性與組織效能之研究,國立高雄師範大學教育學系博士論文。
    民87 行政學,修定初版,台北:三民書局。
    張篤群譯(Emmett C. Murphy原著) 
    民88 領導智商:對新一代領導人個人發展過程的科學研究,台北:智庫文化。
    民81 管理學,台北:東華書局。
    民89 「走向創新時代的組織績效評估」,高翠霜譯,Kaplan﹐Robert. And Norton P.原著績效評估之序文,臺北:天下文化。
    民93 轉換型領導對機關行政績效影響認知之研究 : 以臺北縣鄉鎮市清潔隊為個案,中國文化大學政治研究所碩士論文。
    民88 領導心經,台北:風和出版社。
    郭進隆譯(Peter Senge原著) 
    民84 第五項修練,台北:天下文化。
    陳千玉譯(Edgar Schein原著) 
    民85 組織文化與領導,台北:五南圖書出版公司。
    民83 國民小學校長領導行為與教師專業接受區域關係之研究 : 以台北市公立國小為例,國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文。
    民86 「領導的策略和方法」,人事月刊,第24卷第1期,頁8-14。
    民85 轉換型領導對警政服務品質之影響研究,政治大學公共行政研究所碩士論文。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093921074
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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