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Title: | 巴塞爾Ⅱ內部評等法對放款定價影響之研究—以個案銀行為例 |
Authors: | 蘇新幼 |
Contributors: | 黃仁德 Hwang, Jen Te 蘇新幼 |
Keywords: | 新巴塞爾資本協定 信用風險模型 風險定價 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:32:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 囿於台灣金融市場的過度競爭,銀行在授信時多以削價競爭,以圖擴大市佔率,以致平均放款利差持續縮減。金管會乃於2006年要求銀行訂定放款定價政策,以反應實際承擔之風險。因此,如何發展及善用適合我國市場的評估模型,以精準地從事風險基礎定價,應是金融機構的重要課題之一。我國行政院金融監督管理委員會為讓台灣與國際接軌,於2007年正式實施新巴賽爾資本協定,其中之內部評等法即提供銀行實施風險定價一個很好的基礎。本研究目的即在於探討個案銀行在內部信用評等制度下,企業授信之定價能否充分反映風險成本。透過資料的分析,我們發現實際的企業授信定價仍是深受市場利率水準與決策模式的影響,無法充分反映風險成本。換言之,信用評等所反應的風險高低,對業者而言只是定價的一種參考。 Taiwan’s financial market is known to be over-banking, most banks can do nothing but to lower price to raise market share. At the same time, credit spreads are decreasing for the recent years. For this reason, Taiwan’s financial regulator asks banks to establish loan pricing polices to make sure they take into account the credit risk of their customers carefully in 2006. Also, it becomes an important topic for Taiwan banks to develop suitable models for risk pricing. Basel II has been implemented in Taiwan in 2007, and the IRB of Basel II has provided solid foundations for risk pricing. Under the internal rating system, we want to know if loan pricing could cover risk cost. After studing one of sample bank in Taiwan, we find loan pricing is mostly affected by market competition and then could not cover risk cost. In other words, the risk scale implied by credit rating is just for reference. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 93921044 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093921044 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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