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Title: | 受雇者身材與其薪資關係之實證研究 受雇者身材與其薪資關係之實證研究 The Relationships between Employees’Physical Appearance and Wages The Relationships between Employees’Physical Appearance and Wages |
Authors: | 蔡培豪 蔡培豪 Tsai,Pei-Hao Tsai,Pei-Hao |
Contributors: | 高安邦 高安邦 Kao,An-Pang Kao,An-Pang 蔡培豪 蔡培豪 Tsai,Pei-Hao Tsai,Pei-Hao |
Keywords: | BMI值 BMI值 人力資本 人力資本 相貌 相貌 薪資 薪資 attractiveness attractiveness BMI BMI hourly wage hourly wage human capital human capital |
Date: | 2005 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:31:36 (UTC+8) 2009-09-14 12:31:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國外實證研究證實,個人外表與其在勞動市場的表現密切相關,但台灣目前尚無學者從美貌理論的面向,探討身材、相貌與個人薪資水平有無關係。因此,為了初探台灣勞動市場是否存有“平庸懲罰”和“俊美獎勵”的情況,本文以太子汽車工業股份有限公司之員工為研究對象,以BMI值外加相貌等級作為個人外表的觀察指標,檢驗太子汽車工業股份有限公司員工之身材、相貌,與其所獲取的薪資有無關連,期能藉此彌補相關文獻,多從個人特徵及人力資本考量勞動者薪資差異之不足。
。 國外實證研究證實,個人外表與其在勞動市場的表現密切相關,但台灣目前尚無學者從美貌理論的面向,探討身材、相貌與個人薪資水平有無關係。因此,為了初探台灣勞動市場是否存有“平庸懲罰”和“俊美獎勵”的情況,本文以太子汽車工業股份有限公司之員工為研究對象,以BMI值外加相貌等級作為個人外表的觀察指標,檢驗太子汽車工業股份有限公司員工之身材、相貌,與其所獲取的薪資有無關連,期能藉此彌補相關文獻,多從個人特徵及人力資本考量勞動者薪資差異之不足。
。 This study aims to apply the theory of beauty to the labor market in Taiwan and attempts to investigate determinants of the wage difference for the sake of being the supplement to the existing literature related to this research field which primarily consider the gender or human capital factors. This study takes the data form the data bank of Prince Motor Corporation. The total number of sample used in this study is 754 and the empirical employed in this study is OLS Model.
The findings suggest that marital status, education, experience have a positive effect on non-sales men’s hourly wages; number of children under age 12, square of experience, and being overweight, a negative effect. For non-sales women, hourly wages are only significantly and positively affected by age and attractiveness. Compared with non-sales men, significant earnings premium for attractive are found for women. Finally, the sales people who are married and have higher education definitely have higher hourly wages and who are obese oppositely pay a penalty. This study aims to apply the theory of beauty to the labor market in Taiwan and attempts to investigate determinants of the wage difference for the sake of being the supplement to the existing literature related to this research field which primarily consider the gender or human capital factors. This study takes the data form the data bank of Prince Motor Corporation. The total number of sample used in this study is 754 and the empirical employed in this study is OLS Model.
The findings suggest that marital status, education, experience have a positive effect on non-sales men’s hourly wages; number of children under age 12, square of experience, and being overweight, a negative effect. For non-sales women, hourly wages are only significantly and positively affected by age and attractiveness. Compared with non-sales men, significant earnings premium for attractive are found for women. Finally, the sales people who are married and have higher education definitely have higher hourly wages and who are obese oppositely pay a penalty. |
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