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Title: | 廠商海外生產對台灣就業之影響-以資訊電子產業為例 |
Authors: | 黃琮祺 |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 黃琮祺 |
Keywords: | 海外生產 對外直接投資 員工雇用 台灣 Overseas Production Foreign Direct Investment Employment Taiwan |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:31:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣經濟高度依賴對外貿易,經濟成長與出口成長的變化關係密切,但是近年來由於廠商大量對外投資,赴海外設立生產基地,特別是製造業中主要的資訊電子產業很多廠商到大陸設廠。因此部分人士認為海外生產係造成台灣出口不振,就業機會減少,產業空洞化的原因。但也有人認為這反而證明台灣在產業全球化、自由化及產業升級轉型的成功證明。
另外本論文建議,政府應該改善投資環境,輔導廠商在地升級,協助提升廠商全球運籌佈局能力,改善生活環境加強人才培訓,才能提升廠商競爭力,如此才能有效降低廠商海外生產的比率。 Taiwan economy is highly dependent on its international trade -- economic growth is highly influenced by exports growth. Nevertheless, the increasing outward investment, especially the huge IT investments in China, may change this trend. Some people argue that overseas production is the key factor of slacked export, diminished job opportunities, and industrial hollowing-out, the other people insist that the above phenomenon is an evidence of Taiwan’s globalization, liberalization, and Industrial Upgrades.
The Taiwan’s outward investment started from 1987, accelerated in 1990, the year that Taiwanese government lifted the ban against indirectly investing China and formed a new business model of “Taiwan Orders, Overseas (Chinese) Productions”. What is the influence of this new business model? Is this the root of diminished job opportunities and industrial hollowing-out? What’s the correlation between overseas production growth rate and unemployment rate in Taiwan IT Industry particularly?
This article discovered the increment of outward investment and export ratio in IT industry could boost job opportunities; however, overseas production is the key factor to cause layoffs. As a result of short product life cycle characters, the low value-added IT production should apply open door policy while high value-added ones should be encouraged to produce locally and keep the core competency domestically. Keep the key component or technology manufacture in Taiwan will help create Taiwanese international competitiveness, increase added values, inspire research and innovation, direct brand marketing, upgrade industries levels, connect globally, and lower the impact of overseas production on employment.
In addition, this article advised the government should cement Taiwanese companies’ international competitiveness and lower overseas production ratio by improving the investment climate, assisting local industries’ upgrades and the abilities of global logistics, improving living environment, and reinforcing manpower cultivation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 93921008 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093921008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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