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Title: | 受雇人員的體型與相貌對其工作職位之影響 The Effects of Employees’BMI and Physical Attractiveness on Positions |
Authors: | 鍾越漪 Chung, Yueh-Yi |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 Huang, Jr-Tsung 鍾越漪 Chung, Yueh-Yi |
Keywords: | BMI值 人力資本 工作職位 相貌 BMI human capital physical attractiveness position |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:30:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 目前,台灣整型、塑身的潮流已不分性別且日趨普遍化,觀察其原因除了吸引異性之外,美麗對就業、工作職位之升等似乎亦有直接關係。國外研究發現,外表與個人在職場上的表現息息相關,但台灣研究漂亮經濟的相關文獻少之又少,針對個人體型、相貌對其工作職位之影響的實證研究更是付之闕如,促使筆者意欲去驗證,台灣的勞動市場中,外表是否為影響個人事業的重要變數,以彌補現有文獻之不足。然而,由於研究資源不足,本文僅以太子汽車工業股份有限公司之員工為研究對象,以BMI值及相貌作為個人外表的衡量指標,進行外表與個人職位高低是否相關的初探性研究。
在銷售單位方面,不區分性別一同估計的結果得出,婚姻、教育程度對銷售單位員工職位有正向效果;國小以下子女數及BMI值過輕則有負面影響。而BMI值過輕者可能是受消費者歧視所累,間接導致其難以獲致較高的職位。 This study attempts to investigate the relationship between Body Mass Index, physical attractiveness and an employee’s position in Taiwan for the sake of being the supplement to the existing literatures related to this research field which primarily consider gender differences.
The research object comes form the data bank of Prince Motor Corporation. The total number of sample used in this study is 754 and the empirical employed in this study is OLS Model. The findings suggest that age, marital status, education, experience, and physical attractiveness have a positive effect on men’s positions in non-sales department; number of children under age 12 and being underweight, a negative effect.
For women in non-sales department, positions are significantly and positively affected by marital status and education, negatively affected by number of children under age 12.
Finally, in sales department, the employees who are married and have higher education definitely are in higher position. Number of children under age 12 and being underweight have a negative effect on sales people’s position. |
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