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Title: | 警察工作壓力與家庭生活關係之探討—以基隆市警察局為例 |
Contributors: | 陳小紅 劉誌雄 |
Keywords: | 警察 工作壓力 家庭生活 Police work pressure family life |
Abstract: | 警察因具有執法者的特殊角色,一直都被認為是一個富有挑戰性,且具高度危險與壓力的職業;另因背負太多的社會期待與情感包袱,易發生工作與家庭生活間多種角色的衝突。當個人表現不如預期或遭受挫折時,無法承擔壓力的員警便可能產生厭世的念頭。內政部警政署九十三年的統計資料顯示,最近十年來,警察自殺人數高達六十九人,官階從一線三星至二線四星分局長皆有,遠比緝捕匪徒因公殉職者之人數還多;而警察自殺不僅僅造成其個人家庭的破碎,更是社會、國家的一大損失。
為減輕員警工作與家庭雙方面的壓力,本研究建議採取:(一)、強化警察養成教育,施予壓力紓解的教育與訓練,增加「內控能力」。(二)、合理調配員警工作時間,使其有充分的休息與休閒。(三)、常態合理化治安績效要求。(四)、簡化警察業務,並以治安及交通二大工作為主。(五)、推動「員警協助方案」等諸項措施,俾減輕工作與家庭帶給彼等的雙重壓力。 The policemen, assuming a special role of legal execution, have been expected to practice relatively formidable challenging tasks, thus carrying extremely dangerous and heavy work load. As such, they often confront with conflicts between public interests and personal benefits, struggle against proper roles in society and at home. Under unbearable pressures, some police, would therefore even think about committing suicide. Statistics released from the National Police Agency of Ministry of Internal Affairs 2004 indicated that the total number of policemen who have committed suicide within the last decade has reached that of 69 (ranking from one-stripe three-star to two-stripe four-star officers), outnumbering those who were killed during the fights with bandits. Their suicide has brought tremendous loss not only to their own families, but also to the society and nation as a whole.
It is in this vein that this study, intends to firstly understand how and to what extent that police’s work pressure and family life interfere with each other, and secondly tries to find ways and means to reduce the police pressure both from work and family. It is hoped that through strengthening the policemen personal adjustment capability and supporting mechanism from the society, triple wins for individual, family and organization can be reached.
Through literature review, survey questionnaire and focus group data collection and analysis, it is found that the performance requirements, boss’ leadership style and extreme long working hours compose the three major work pressures for policemen. Besides, Work pressures do vary according to different kinds of police; in general, criminal police experiences the highest work pressure, followed by traffic police and the administrative police. As to life pressures, too little time that could spare to their family is sensed as the major source for pressure. In addition, the higher work pressure the police suffer, the greater impact on their family. Police in charge of women and children and juvenile affairs find comparatively greater satisfaction with their job and family. Contrarily, criminal police and traffic police find quite low satisfaction.
Though there exists no obvious different feelings toward work pressure and family pressure among policemen of different ages; the elder police, nevertheless, tend to be more sensitive about the danger of their work and worried more about their own health. With regard to the performance requirements, the elder policemen have commented that most supervisors have exercised their authoritative power on their subordinates. Moreover, the grass root policemen below one-stripe four-star seem to be least satisfied than those police officers above the two-stripe one-star. It implies that improvements should be made as to the police bureaucratic system.
In order to reduce the policemen’s pressure from both work and family, the following measures have been recommended by the study: (1). Provide the policemen with intensive training of how to relieve pressures so as to improve their self-control capability; (2). Properly readjust policemen working module so as to ensure that they have enough time to rest and recreate; (3). Develop reasonable performance requirements; (4). Simplify policemen’s work responsibilities, with focus on the two tasks -- public security and traffic mainly; (5). Promote “mutual assistance programs” in order to effectively solve and prevent potential problems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 92921072 94 |
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