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Title: | 臺灣警察專科學校學生人格特質、工作價值觀與組織認同相關性之研究 |
Authors: | 張麗美 Chang, Li-Mei |
Contributors: | 孫本初 葉毓蘭
張麗美 Chang, Li-Mei |
Keywords: | 臺灣警察專科學校 專科警員班正期組 基層特考班 內外控人格特質 工作價值觀 組織認同 |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:29:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘 要
內外控人格特質、工作價值觀、組織認同。 Abstract
A successful management strategy of human resource can usually result in a great increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. But more often than not, the key factor that directly leads to its success is whether the organization can gain the necessary “brain”. Thus, the good fitness between the organization and its members, are vital to the development of the organization and its members’ careers.
Recruit the manpower and the integration between the function of education and training are influentially important to police reform program. This study that bases
on 937 valid samples from the survey of the 23rd phase Junior Police Officer of Administration Police Department of Taiwan Police College and 2004 Junior Special Examination for Police Officer are aiming to discuss the relativity of personalities, work values and Organizational Commitment. Through t-test, One Way ANOVA, Chi Square, Pearson`s Contingency Coefficient and Regression Analysis, etc. the results of this study are as follows:
1. Personalities:55% of the samples are internal control.
2. Work values and Organizational Commitment
a. Social status:53% of the students think policeman is publicly respected and reputable
b. Altruism:79% think that they are altruism, Being a policeman could serve people, righteous and is meaningful to the society.
c. Safety:79% feel insecure about the safety of being a policeman, which shows the surveyed students and their families are all worried about the safety of being a policeman.
d. Recreation:Only 46% think policemen can have their own vacation, recreational activities and time with their family, which shows the value for leisure of policemen is low.
e. Self-fulfillment:62% think being a policeman can achieve their goals in life.
f. Financial need:78% think what they earn can afford what they need. They show average satisfaction for their salary.
g. Promotion chance:69% feel contented to be a policeman. Getting promoted is not a main pursuit in their work value.
h. Organizational Commitment:70% identify with the police organization.
In the survey, more than 77% are willing to continue their job after they have finished their compulsory term. According to the intention of dispatch program after graduation, the professional police units is account for 33.1 %,the rate of regular office units of police bureau or station is 30.3%。
3. The test results:
a. Personality: Only “whether or not relatives work for the police” makes an obvious difference.
b. Work values: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Student”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “the number of relatives who work for the police” cause differences in this aspect.
c. Organizational Commitment: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, and “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “How many relatives works for the police” cause differences in this aspect.
d. To analyze the correlation among different variables, we find that personalities, work values, and Organizational Commitment are significantly different at α=.05 level. so are the personalities and work values.
e. The willingness to continue their job after tenure is over is relative to “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “their father’s occupation”
f. The desired work is relative to class”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “the number of relatives who work for the police” and “their father’s occupation”
4. Predictability of Organizational Commitment
To either all the tested students, Junior College Classes, Junior Special Examination for Police Officer, or male students, the predictability of self-fulfillment works best. Next come altruism and social status. The predictability of altruism works best to female students and then the social status. |
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