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Title: | 從員工認知的觀點來探討360度回饋模式在臺北市政府可行性之研究 Study on the Applicability of 360 Ddegree Feedback Model in Taipei City Government : from the Perspectives of Employees |
Authors: | 林琪蓉 Lin, Chi-Jung |
Contributors: | 孫本初 Sun, Ben-Chu 林琪蓉 Lin, Chi-Jung |
Keywords: | 人力資源管理 績效管理 績效評估 傳統績效評估方式 360度回饋模式 Human Resource Management Performance Management Performance Assessment Traditional Performance Assessment Model 360°Feedback Model |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:27:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面對多元化、國際化及全球競爭的壓力,私人企業莫不採行新的績效管理制度,來創造員工、管理者及組織三贏之局面。公部門面對資源相對有限,民眾要求與日俱增之窘況,欲改進績效管理並縮小顧客不滿意之缺口,應透過全方位回饋訊息之蒐集,將民意轉化為施政知識,鼓勵人力資源管理能創新改革,以建構人力資源組織的策略地圖,因此,接受多元評估已是無法避免之趨勢。
關鍵詞:人力資源管理、績效管理、績效評估、傳統績效評估方式、360度回饋模式 Facing the pressure of diversity, nationalization and global competition, enterprises have been adopting new performance management systems to create the win-win situation between employees and organizations. For public sector, the resources are relatively limited, and the demand of citizens is gradually growing. In order to improve the performance management and minimize the gap of customer dissatisfaction, government should collect the over-all feedback message, translate public opinions into policy context, encourage innovative human resource management. Therefore, it’s necessary to implement multi-source assessment in public sector.
This study is aimed at exploring the feasibility of 360° feedback model in Taipei City Government (TCG) from the employees’ perspectives, and offering the suggestion about how to implemented this model in TCG in the future. The research methods in this study include: literature review, questionnaire survey and interview method.
This study consists of 5 chapters. In Chapter 1, the motives and objectives of the study are mentioned, and the definitions of relative concepts are clarified. In Chapter 2, the relative literatures are reviewed and the factors that will influence the implementation of 360°feedback model are abstracted from domestic and foreign studies, in order to construct the quantitative and qualitative questionnaires in Chapter3 . Chapter 4 is about the positive analysis on “different evaluation sources” and “the feasibility of implementing 360°feedback model” from employee’s perspective. Based on the research findings, some suggestions and recommendations of practice and further research are offered in Chapter 5.
The research findings include two parts. First, in the part of quantitative questionnaire, some conclusions have inducted: 1) about different rater sources: employees do believe that multi-source evaluation indeed could increase trust, improve relationship, and enhance efficiency. 2) about the feasibility of 360° feedback model: (A)Over 66.4% responders agree to implement 360° feedback model in TCG; (B) Majority of responders would choice the item “others” (stakeholders related with business or other superiors charged with official papers), “myself” and external customers (citizens) as the proper evaluators; (C) The feedback messages from different evaluators should be given certain limitation in weight.
Second, in the part of qualitative interview, 5 of 8 (63%) interviewees thought 360°feedback model is feasible in public sector, and can compensate the shortcomings of current top-down performance system. They also offered many precious opinions and suggestions in themes such as: how to overcome the possible obstacles, and if we should limit the weights of scores from different evaluators.
Ultimately, according to the research findings above, this study presents many helpful suggestions from the aspects of policy, organization and practice. If the officials of TCG would like improve the performance through administrative reform, they can adopt the spirit and essence of 360°feedback model, and learn the successful foreign experiences both from public and private sectors, then develop a performance assessment model that can compensate or even replace the current one.
Key words: Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Performance Assessment, Traditional Performance Assessment Model, 360°Feedback Model. |
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